February 21, 2009


February 05, 2009

Living and kicking

February 5! Yay! It's my mom's birthday! Happy Birthday mama! I Love you!

Wait, wait! It's not only my mom's birthday. It is also Geriza's birthday!

She's so sweet and bubbly girl. No wonder why everyone loved her company. You'll never get bored when she's around. Obviously, I went on reminiscing my days with her, mostly on highschool days.
Start off. I've known her for almost 14 years! She was my classmate in kindergarten. My service-mate for 3 years. My schoolmate for 6 years in my entire elementary days. For those days, I mean years, we did not really talk and hang-out with each other because we're in different section. Even though were not classmates for 6 years and no longer service-mate, we did not snob one another when we crossed paths.
Highschool days came. Of Course, new school new faces. When I lined in on our section, I actually felt so graet to learned that I have someones whom I already know. They were Geriza and Rhona. Geriza was the one who made me be comfortable in my new class. She's my first seatmate and friend in highschool. Together with Rhona, the three of us stick together like glue. We looked for each other, had recess together (we even had same kind of food), moments of laughter, we even went to same club, share gossips. Since we both have the same way home, we were always went went home together, even Rhona will walk with us and will take a jeepney ride in front of our house.
It was not only a merely same routine everyday. For everyday, they will be new things to do. When she told us whose her crush, we went like super spies. We followed him all through out the day, giving reports to her. She told us what happened, like she saw him accompanied by a girl, and we also looked after that girl and tried to find her flaws. Then we learned that they were just friends and nothing in particular. One time, when town fiesta was near, and there were also "acedera" or stalls of goods along the road, we saw her crush buy an item, then after he left, we also went to stall and she bought the same item happily.
I was still innocent and childish specially on first year and it was Geriza who not literally taught me but showed me the "proper ways" in highschool and no longer act like elementary (although most of the times I still do) so that I would not look like a jerk. There were times that we became seatmate and mind you, even in the middle of the class we were talking stories of one another. But most of the times she do the talking and I do the listening, that may be the reason why we click with each other. 'cause until now, she still talks a lot and I still like to just listen.
Geriza loves performing specially dancing. On our Christmas party in first year, she came with those loud pants that kept everyone looking at her, she also bought the tape of Sexbomb (which was so hot that time). When it played, she went dancing in the middle of the room with the exact dance steps of Sexbomb, when she noticed that they were many classmates dancing with her, she quited. Saying she no longer like the poeple dancing with her. But she didn't stop the music. The two of us were even partnered to lead our group which came out the best. For every school contest throughout highschool, she joined them except for the singing contest, but she joined all the choral contest. For many number of times she joined the contest it is equalled to my zero participation. I just enjoyed watching my friends perfoem and she is one of them. Even she hated one some of her groupmates she still participated wholeheartingly, setting aside the grudge for the sake of performance.
After Highschool. There was a large gap for communication. Even though her house is a 5 minutes walk from mine. That's because we lost each other's contact numbers. Last Christmas season, we went Simbang gabi together and talk, tlak, talk. On the way to church and home, we had endless stories about our college life, her boys and all that jazz. It was nice to see an old friend after years of no communication. She's still the same energetic girl from highschool, talking non stop.
Part of friendship is the "advice-giving". Surely,Geriza give me proper advice and comments when I needed to. She even gave me instructions, like "you should do this", "you should do that", "not this, not that". Then I will follow her. I look up to her like a big sister that I never had. I respect her opinions even at the end of it there will be a joke to laugh. On my part, I can't give her advise. I can only say "it's ok". That's because I don't know how to give her. I can't give her any of ti, because I know she is smarter than me. I don't think I can because I'm the one who look up to her. I can't go against her. AS I say I look up to her and you know that it is hard to give advice and opinion to those who are older than you or you respected most. Even I think what was on my mind would be the best for her. I can't spill it out. That's why I was surprised last time when she told me that she matters my opinion. Specially for a guy. I just grin. I don't know what to answer whenever she ask my opinion. I just cant' tell her may be the other one is better, for that guy is her ex bf. I lied to her that night. I said I didn't saw his face properly, I said that I only looked to his hair. The truth is that I saw him properly even from afar. He was not even smiling in their whole conversation. He's not that tall, not that fair skin. According to Geriza's story, he done something before to her. I don't take second rounds, and I can't tell her that she should not give the guy another chance. But Geriza was happy in her stories. How would I intercept that time that she deserve way better than that. There were still better guys out there.
Drink yes, drunk no. Geriza told me that she's been drinking and smoking. I was shock for that but expected it a little. I don't drink and smoke. But with this generation it is not surprisingly to know that even teenagers engaged in this activities. I tried to tell her she should not but I held back. She told me she do it moderately and she chooses the people to drink with. And I was like ok. I wanted to tell her, even it is called "happy-happy" or "there was an occasion", whenever and wherever it is, it is still not a good sight in the eyes to see a girl drink and smoke. Some guys don't like it either.
ang haba no?
Happy Birthday lang nmn gustong sbihin. ><

February 02, 2009

proudly pinoy

Dinig mo ba ang bulong ng lahi mo?

Isigaw mo kapatid, ang himig natin...

Monday, got the meaning?! but for a changed, although it is still a boring day for me, I enjoyed it today.

uhmm... Proudly Pinoy?? well, yeah! i think it's better if it was "i love RIZAL" =.= Rizal class for today, to tell you the truth, my day became a completely Rizal moment, i guess?? so here's Y?

Came to school, head to rm 103, and guess what? I'm not late! 0.0 For the first time, i came before the proff whose known for being so punctual. =.= Classmates already there. I was soo stupid that i boast my WRONG assignment to them. T.T I didn't bother changing it anyways. heheh... Already went chit-chatting with them. But not to all of them, they were so busy on their assignments. So only talked to Kevin and lalin and ate Madelyn. hooh. It was so nice talking to those people. I told Kevin the very cheesy gossips that happened on previous weekends. not all are gossips. then our proff came in with het cool, baby-style, tweety-like hair do, close to a joke "mahangin b s labas?"
then the class started. oops! sorry, i mean the roll call started. wtf?! the roll call lasted for an hour and a half for only 12 students! hahaha, really funny. lalin even bothered to assist our proff, actually, it was Lalin who finished the izzy dizzy proff.

dr. medalla . us(students)
adel, van peter!
mam other section
after a min
adel, van peter!
mam, other section, it's from friday class!
after another min
whose this adel, van peter?! where is he? do you know him?
tell him i want to see him
mam he does't have school today
again, after another minute
adel, van peter!
not here!
she actually called this guy 10-15 times, us, with the same answer. not only him, *drum roll please* She also called my cousin Sheila for about 5 times! Claire, who got irritated, text sheila just to clarify!
it wasn't only van peter and sheila, she called the whole missing in person for both the Friday class and Monday class!

gosh! it already an hour for attendance
learned so many for today?
well, i know whose on class A and class B.

then after an hour and a half! real class begun. We tackled the early education of Rizal in Clamba and Biñan. Adonna, whose a Redtech student reported chapter 3 of Rizal. it was only a short report because the chapter was really short. come to think of it, how does it lasted for a whole day?! 0.o when the clock hit 10:30, we asked for a break. funny that all of us were hungry, we ate Lunch food. after that return to class with the same chapter just went over and over again, that's why Monday is boring. After the quiz. The real lunch break. only kevin and lemuel went out. we stayed in. after an hour, the open notes typed quiz begun. don't know if there will be zeroed on those type of quizzes, sent text to kevin, have a hunch that he and lemuel won't return until the ENd of the class.
the quiz ended. but the proff doest even bothered to give us another things to do, except for those who did not do their homework. She asked them to do it for their sake. Claire busy doing it, while me, lalin, allen, and brenda camwhored! =.=




dr. medalla, being so oblivious about our camwhoring!

lalin and allen with his "burnt skin"


allen was so proud of his burn marks!

he got that not because of praternities but because of his "emo" thing. He's been dump by his exgirlfriend

the three of us with saying we are quadruplets counting brenda as two ><

super twins of mercado! (we are not blood related) but others say we are look-a-like

Claire working on her assignment

this supposed to be a "mr. and mrs. smith" shot

spider man!

Lalin with Radtech girls, Donnalyn, Irma and Adonna, Brenda is also a Radtech student and not PT student

presenting to you the best shot of the day!

Allen and Dr. Medalla! +.=

there's still alot of pictures but my downloader is so slow.

After this Rizal, we no longer have classes. We went home. on the way, me and Clare decided to hit the town for its stalls of "tiange". Strolling, we saw a t-shirt with an image of Rizal, saying "Proudly Pinoy" and on Rizal's chest is the letter P mimicking Superman's vest. We will buy it soon when the rest of the Rizal class knew about it.