April 13, 2009

sweet and serene....

holy week...
april 5-12, 2009
or Lenten season...
a week devoted by Roman Catholic for the salvation of mankind by its Savior....
  • its color is violet, signifies the Lent by the Church
  • time of prayers and reflections
  • a time for oneself to Him

it is the time of the year that a part of me is very lonely, though i do not have any reasons to...

it is the time of the year that i always feel a mistake in me... a wrongly things done but not committed...

it is a time of the year when i feel there will always be hope of light for tommorrow, even i have nothing to look forward to...

it is a time of the year that i always feel i don't have any rights to smile even when i have to...

it is the time of the year that i always feel that people around me are fools in their own way for celebrating it...

it is the time of the year that i always question my self, "why am i being so fool not to feel this but i always think of this???"

it is the time of the year that i feel that i am nothing compared to Him

it is the time of the year that i can't joke about but i don't know why? but still, i did once...

  • it's not violet, it's red for blood, for suffering
  • time of confusion, i never prayed or reflect on things but i always have a feeling that i am talking to Him always, that i know what i did wrong and right...
  • time of crying to Him, i really don't know why, but i am sad...
Palm Sunday
well, i didn't attend mass, but my mom did. she went solo. she actually attended the 6 a.m mass. way too early for me. she did wake me up but not ot join her but to transfer bed to accompany my 18 months old cousin that is staying with us this summer.
around 7 a.m, mom was not yet home, but Allen woke up already... (i'm sensing trouble OK?)
Allen(in babyish way of talking).Cyrle
Good morning! =.=
Tita?? (face about to cry!)
Not here...
Lis jan! (go away)
dun k labas! (there! outside)
Carry him outside ><
then mom came...
quiet day...
Holy Monday
Holy Tuesday
Grandma came to fetch up Allen so he can stay with his parents the rest of the holy week. Sarah ended up going with them.
Holy Wednesday
movie marathon with mom, watch harry potter movies from 1 - 5! for real!!! then evening came, i tend to watch the pirates of the carribean. finished the first installment but cut short the second one.
Maundy Thursday
continued the movie marathon. watched the rest of the 2nd pirate movie then move on with the third... mom went to Kuya jessie to borrow more movies. next in lines were the negotiator, men in black, men in black ii. we actually didn't care that those movies were old and watched them over a hundred times already...
and guess what???
i saw a shooting star around 6:30
Good Friday
woke up late. ate late breakfast... mom and aunts were outside chatting... i ended up getting their blood pressure... ate yums, mom cooked coco jam to bribed me so that no lunch!!!! moms... evening came, we ate dinner at the hut together with aunts and cousins...
Black Saturday
i actually slept whole day....
Easter Sunday

April 11, 2009

the warrior is a child

Lately I've been winning battles left and right
But even winners can get wounded in the fight
People say that I'm amazing, strong beyond my years
But they don't see inside of me, I'm hiding all the tears

They don't know that I go running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
Deep inside this armour - the warrior is a child.

Unafraid because His armour is the best
But even soldiers need a quiet place to rest.
People say that I'm amazing - never face retreat
But they don't see the enemies that lay me at His feet.

They don't know that I go running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and look up for a smile
'Cause deep inside this armour...

Deep inside this armour...
Deep inside this armour...
The warrior is a child.

tell the world of His love

For God so loved the world
He gave us His only Son
Jesus Christ our Savior
His most precious one
He has sent us His message of love
And sends those who hear
To bring the message to everyone
In a voice loud and clear
Let us tell the world of His love
The greatest love the world has known
Search the world for those who have walked
Astray and lead them home
Fill the world's darkest corners
With His light from up above
Walk every step, Every mile, Every road
And tell the world,
Tell the world of His love
(Tell the world of His love)
(Tell the world of His love)
Our Lord our savior our king
Emmanuelle prince of peace
Begotten of the Father's love
Born to set us free
Let heaven and earth sing His phrases
His righteousness proclaim
Let every heart rejoice in His love
And magnify His name
Let us tell the world of His love
The greatest love the world has known
Search the world for those who have walked
Astray and lead them home
Fill the world's darkest corners
With His light from up above
Walk every step, Every mile, Every road
And tell the world,
Tell the world of His love
(Tell the world of His love)
Let us tell the world of His love
The greatest love the world has known
Search the world for those who have walked
Astray and lead them home
Fill the world's darkest corners
With His light from up above
Walk every step, Every mile, Every road And tell the world,
Tell the world of His love
(Tell the world of His love)
Tell the world of His love

heal our land

If my people will humble themselves
Humble themselves and pray
If they seek my face and humble themselves
And turn from their wicked ways
I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins
I will hear from heaven and heal their land
Lord, heal our land
Father, heal our land
Hear our cry and turn our nation back to You
Lord, heal our land
Hear us oh, Lord, and heal our land
Forgive our sin and heal our broken land
Lord, we vow our knee, we humble ourselves
Humble ourselves and pray
Lord, we seek your face and humble ourselves
And turn from my wicked ways
Father in Your mercy, forgive our sins
Father in Your mercy, come heal our land
[Repeat CHORUS twice]
CODA (Lord, heal our land Father, heal our land)
Hear our cry and heal our broken land

Lord I come to you
Let my heart be changed,renewed
Flowing from the grace
That I found in You.
And Lord Ive come to know
The weaknesses I see in me
Will be stripped away
By the power of Your love.
Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Bring me near
Draw me to Your side.
And as I wait
Ill rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with you
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love..
Lord unveil my eyes
Let me see You face to face
The knowledge of Your love
As You live in me.
Lord renew my mind
As Your will unfolds in my life
In living every day
In the power of Your love
Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Bring me near
Draw me to Your side.
And as I wait
Ill rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with you
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love..

i see You Lord

I'm so blessed my Lord
I can see you
In all the lovely things
So fine and true
I see you in the beauty
Of the flowers and the rain
I see you between the lines
Of a sweet refrain
I'm so blessed my Lord
I can see you
Even when I'm lonely and in pain
I see you in the beauty of the stars at night
I see you in my life
I feel alright
I see you Lord
In sorrow and in happiness
I see you in the glory
Of sweet success
I see you Lord
Every hour, everyday
I can see you Lord
Whenever I pray
I'm so blessed my Lord
I can see you
In the smile of a baby
Sweet and true
I can see you in the eyes
Of my very best friends
I see you in these bonds
Just like your love that never ends
I see you Lord
In sorrow and in happiness
I see you in the glory
Of sweet success
I see you Lord
Every hour, everyday
I can see you Lord
Whenever I pray
I see you Lord
In sorrow and in happiness
I see you in the glory
Of sweet success
I see you Lord
Every hour, everyday
I can see you Lord
Whenever I pray
I pray...
I can see you Lord
Whenever I pray...
I see you Lord...

one more gift

If there’s one more gift
I’d ask of you,
Lord it would be peace here on earth
as gentle as your children’s laughter
All around, all around
Verse 1:
Your people have grown weary
Of living in confusion
When will we realize
That neither heaven is at peace
When we will live not in peace
Verse 2:
Grant me serenity within
For the confusions around
Are mere reflections..
Of what’s within..
What’s within in me?(Refrain)

April 10, 2009

Lead me Lord

Lead me Lord

Lead me by the hand

And make me face the rising sun

Comfort me through all the pain

That life may bring

There’s no other hope

That I can lean upon

Lead me Lord

Lead me all my life

Walk by me

Walk by me across

The lonely road that I may face

Take my arms and let your hand

Show me the way

Show the way to live inside your heart

All my days, all my life


You are my light

You’re the lamb upon my feet

All the time my Lord

I need You there

You are my light I (just) cannot live alone

Let me stay by Your guiding love

All through my life

Lead me Lord

Lead me Lord

Even though at times

I’d rather go alone my way

Help me take the right direction

Take Your road

Lead me Lord

And never leave my side

All my days, All my life

[refrain 2]

You are my light

You’re the lamb upon my feet

All the time my Lord

I need You there

You are my light I (just) cannot live alone

Let me stay by Your guiding love

All through my life

All through my days

Lead me, O Lord

Lead me Lord