April 13, 2009

sweet and serene....

holy week...
april 5-12, 2009
or Lenten season...
a week devoted by Roman Catholic for the salvation of mankind by its Savior....
  • its color is violet, signifies the Lent by the Church
  • time of prayers and reflections
  • a time for oneself to Him

it is the time of the year that a part of me is very lonely, though i do not have any reasons to...

it is the time of the year that i always feel a mistake in me... a wrongly things done but not committed...

it is a time of the year when i feel there will always be hope of light for tommorrow, even i have nothing to look forward to...

it is a time of the year that i always feel i don't have any rights to smile even when i have to...

it is the time of the year that i always feel that people around me are fools in their own way for celebrating it...

it is the time of the year that i always question my self, "why am i being so fool not to feel this but i always think of this???"

it is the time of the year that i feel that i am nothing compared to Him

it is the time of the year that i can't joke about but i don't know why? but still, i did once...

  • it's not violet, it's red for blood, for suffering
  • time of confusion, i never prayed or reflect on things but i always have a feeling that i am talking to Him always, that i know what i did wrong and right...
  • time of crying to Him, i really don't know why, but i am sad...
Palm Sunday
well, i didn't attend mass, but my mom did. she went solo. she actually attended the 6 a.m mass. way too early for me. she did wake me up but not ot join her but to transfer bed to accompany my 18 months old cousin that is staying with us this summer.
around 7 a.m, mom was not yet home, but Allen woke up already... (i'm sensing trouble OK?)
Allen(in babyish way of talking).Cyrle
Good morning! =.=
Tita?? (face about to cry!)
Not here...
Lis jan! (go away)
dun k labas! (there! outside)
Carry him outside ><
then mom came...
quiet day...
Holy Monday
Holy Tuesday
Grandma came to fetch up Allen so he can stay with his parents the rest of the holy week. Sarah ended up going with them.
Holy Wednesday
movie marathon with mom, watch harry potter movies from 1 - 5! for real!!! then evening came, i tend to watch the pirates of the carribean. finished the first installment but cut short the second one.
Maundy Thursday
continued the movie marathon. watched the rest of the 2nd pirate movie then move on with the third... mom went to Kuya jessie to borrow more movies. next in lines were the negotiator, men in black, men in black ii. we actually didn't care that those movies were old and watched them over a hundred times already...
and guess what???
i saw a shooting star around 6:30
Good Friday
woke up late. ate late breakfast... mom and aunts were outside chatting... i ended up getting their blood pressure... ate yums, mom cooked coco jam to bribed me so that no lunch!!!! moms... evening came, we ate dinner at the hut together with aunts and cousins...
Black Saturday
i actually slept whole day....
Easter Sunday