May 05, 2009

Gone A.W.O.L


your girl here is on BLOG leave!
(is there anything like that??)
as you noticed, there is no recent updates on this blog.
the last posts were songs that help me reflect during the holy week...
yes, the holy week. or more precisely, i actually stop blogging since vacation starts...
i'm not stressed nor in the mood to blog about anything.
and I haven't gone anywhere. every night till the break of dawn i'm infront of my computer...
just to keep up,
here is my daily routine. (exaclty! routine on vacation days)
everynight (sometimes in day) of every week: in front of computer, into inet surfing, intruding other blogs, killing boredom by watching on-line asian dramas, chatting
monday.tuesday,thursday,friday (either 7:30 am or 6:30 pm) : go to the fitness gym, i generally do taebo,
other days or other time: i am fixing my self and all that jazz to transfer school!
yes baby, I'm transferring AGAIN! wooh hoo! (i should have blog about this thingy!)
i tried to join the AKO MISMO advocacy campaign,
i first heard it on GAME KNB
when its host edu manzano plugged about it,
right now i'm still waiting for the confirmation e-mail.