May 31, 2009

3 turns must be enough

just a wrapped-up on what happened in my may:

on the first two weeks of may;
gym, sleep, inet, sleep, gym, sleep, inet,
inet was now boring for me,
but i still can't help myself not to turn it on =.= (adik!).
it's like a drug to me... 0.o
so ! ended up watching jon and kate plus 8 on line.
present episodes on t.v can't seemed to satisfy me...
i looked for past episodes and future ones,
'coz present telecast here in the Philippines are seemed delayed..
actually, it can now be paired with my favorite team...
BrGy. GiNebRa G!n KinGs!
before, no other show can make my itchy fingers to change the channel
but now, J&K+8 seemed to make my fingers really itchy...
they now share time with my fav team.
the 2nd wk seemed to be twisted...

  1. Ginebra won the second slot automatic semis position =.=

  2. to my horror. INTERNET CONNECTION DISCONNECTED!, their office were moved, so technically we did'nt know where to pay.. does'nt matter because

  3. Sheila still got her connection, so we much on line drama for 5 straight nights!



3rd week! "Shit happens"


mother had finally paid the bill on the nearest office

which is just a hundred kilometers away! 0.0
then we waited probably about more than a week for the reconnection

the operator said "followed-up has been made to the main office"
for almost two weeks!

by the way,

i secretly joined PCSO (lotto, i mean for real)

now that i'm already of age,
can't seem to resist the huge sum of grabd prize! woohuhuh =.=

did't win though...

my first losing ticket T.T



3rd week to 4th

gym continues...

i don't even think that i lose weight,

my best friends can't answer why though...

where did you hear V-cut talked, nor chocolates and sodas can speak???

on the upper side,

my mom got the papers i needed for transferring

but first,

the registrar gave the wrong papers...

they gave her kevin's

so she waited long enough for the registrar to produce mine.

could you imagine kevin's face on mine??

my possible schedule, tentative only,

got from the day i went for the evaluation...