December 13, 2009

mr. physical therapy and ms. bff

kevin congratz! i was not present to witness one of your embarassing moment! Ü
thanks for informing me, eventhough you only got 1st runner up, still proud for you my friend!

saying that you just do it for fun and almost trashing it, i know you really want it. bleeh!

i still don't get it why girls got chills when they see you

even if your just like this:

more over

when you are up to something...

we still got long road ahead of us in school, together with lalin and other classmates we will reach our tolls.

thanks for transfering, you really don't have any idea how grateful i am!

owe you a lot!




salute to both of you!

my two bestfriends!

hope we still stick together until the end,

and friendship that will not end like my pasts.

December 11, 2009

love letter

you're alone!
when will you ever learn?
when will you stop expecting?
they will never to you
and you to them!
so you better stop daydreaming!
they are only using you,
stop being so gentle and kind,
because they will never be like that to you.
why can't you learn?
how many times of falling and crashing into a mud of pit
before you learn that there will always be
those people that would love to pull you down?
stop enjoying so there would never be heartbreaks and pains.
they are laughing behind your back.
i think it's better that you'd be the old one
you are selfish,
think only of yourself.
can you give me a promise?
promise me,
you will never let your guard down!


i killed him so many times in my mind
i hated him so much that makes me want to punch his face
i cried coz he tried to get my only confidant
i accept defeat coz im no match to him
i don't know who to trust anymore
i don't know who to listen to
i don't know what to do
i don't know how to be on my own
i'll rather go back in my old self
than let them hurt me openly
i'll rather be the same old criminal,
killing people i don't like
flooding my mind with their blood
satisfying my hunger for revenge
a mean smile that strucks my heart to laugh
the only way to feel my happiness
kill him and them

blog almost dead

October 02, 2009


i smile because i can't cry,
in my world it is forbidden.
the heaven of my pain,
are the rain of my happiness.
my image is nothing but shattered glass
an existence,
a nuisance to all.
no matter how loud i scream
no body would dare to listen.

October 01, 2009

tropical storm ondoy

it's been five days after the tropical storm ondoy hit central luzon and some part of southern luzon, and the aftermath is still visible.
batangas was not really affected, it only received rainfalls all day, no blackouts, no flood. thank God!
but, my school in laguna, was heavyly affected. laguna was one of the mostly affected of ondoy. the perpetual binan received a heavy blow. my classmates said that the gym submerged in the flood, our deans office was flood till waist line.
my dorm, thank goodness, the water didn't reach our rooms.
classes cancelled till saturday.
there were a lot of people lost their homes, belongings and even love ones.
until now, donations are badly needed.
bayanihan is alive.
but there is new depression, classified as of now as "super typhoon pepeng".
the worst part,
it hasnt yet reached it's landfall, in luzon again...

September 27, 2009

facebook quizzes

here are some of my facebook quizzes results...
i found them really funny, cute and quite interesting...ÜÜÜ
what my birthmonth means:
Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret.Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly an...d solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.
what flower represents me:
You are your happiest when amongst a lot of people. You don't stand out in the crowd, your whole group of friends do. Your mood changes easily depending on your environment.... If you are at work/school you are very studious, however if you are at a club, you know how to get your groove on!
what is my element?:
Nature had given you a passion which is difficult to master. Not everyone reaches this mastery early on in life. In fact, chances are you are still trying t...o figure out how to control it. At times you feel as if your desires are consuming you, while other times you feel that your passion is so lacking it is bordering on apathy. These extremes are not healthy, and you must learn to live in a world in which both of these can coexist in a single moment. Life teaches us that we are to hone our talents into one outlet and command that aspect of our life fully. The trouble with you is that you have so many passions in so many areas that it becomes difficult to chose the one that suits you best. I challenge you to become a jack of all trades, and a master of none - for only then will your passions be satiated.
what is the perfect job for me?:
You love to help people and wish to make sure no one is in any pain. You really like science and you are an academic. You are fun but are also very straight to the point...which isnt a bad thing!

September 25, 2009

learn to fly

Learn to fly by Foo Fighters:

my new theme song -_-

Run and tell all of the angels
This could take all night
Think I need a devil to help me get things right
Hook me up a new revolution
Cause this one is a lie
We sat around laughing and watched the last one die
I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for a complication
Looking cause I'm tired of lying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly
I think I'm done nursing the patience
I can wait one night
I'd give it all away if you give me one last try
We'll live happily ever trapped if you just save my life
Run and tell the angels that everything is alright
I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for a complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly
Make my way back home when I learn to
Fly along with me,
I can't quite make it alone
Try and make this life my own
Fly along with me,
I can't quite make it alone
Try and make this life my own

I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for a complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to

I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for a complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly
Make my way back home when I learn to fly
Make my way back home when I learn to, learn to,
learn to...

August 26, 2009

pharma mayhem; pisiform(ity??)

yesterday, we had symposium for our FCL 5 subject. due to that, our regular classes were cancelled. one of it was pharmacology class with dr. lopez. the morning session of the symposium were cancelled. all of us decided to ditch the pharmacology for our remaining time since most of us still had a lot to do for spare time.
dr. lopez learned that we ditched him by the mistake of someone from our own class. so basically, he got mad. he went lecturing us about how we were wasting our time. only 12 students including were able to attend since we were just in a floor lower to thera lab.
symposium for afternoon session came on.
went home, sleep, eat a thousand times.
next day, Tee - jay, allowed us to read the letter sent to her by dr. lopez concerning the whole class. in the letter, he stated he's not mad about our actions, how disgusting our curriculum is, who's at fault and who's not, special mentions of special classmates, those who attended his lecture yesterday earns additional five big points in quizzes and automatic 5 pt. deduction to those who weren't able to attend.
basically, the letter were the topic during our free time. and classmates instead of feeling worried about it started making jokes out of it.
kuya irish. kuya gab. us
eto ang quiz natin
fill in the blanks
i am not mad blank?
why should i?
jed. jans (these two were the special mentions)
give me blank and blank
very good and believable reason!
during our gross ana., a former student came to visit us, he was now a successful p.t in the u.s, and he gave us uhmm, motivation or inspiration??? about study hard and pursue p.t coz it's worth it.
mark notices my hand, it has a dark spot on side of wrist. he was shocked when he saw it, coz he knows that i'm not addicted in online games yet i have darker spots than them who uses a lot of p.c. he said it was due to pressure inserted on the pisiform, one of the wrist bones, while we are using mouse or keyboard alone. it was also just last week when my mom noticed it, and since i don't know the reason i just said it was nothing. now, in my realization, my right hand has now darker spot and bigger pisiform compared to my left hand which is at this state very normal.
during vacation and free times i am in front of computer for longer hours. maybe not playing, but reading mangas and do a lot of stuff.
so there i got it.

and by the way,

wheelchair balance

August 23, 2009

brachial plexus and yougart sticks

presenting, sir john's brachial plexus:

totallly different from the brachial plexus i first learned from maám shean
different in a way that it is in more or less 3d style.
the first one is "sticks"
and sir john would not want sticks from us.
it have to be like his...
and i haven't started practicing this one out...
this weekend, i found new treat, so addicting!
these are yougart candy sticks!

while i was watching t.v, my sister gave me one of these,
she said it is called yougart sticks
and i like it
to the piont that i told her to buy me my own!
it is also very cheap, 2 pcs. for 1 peso -.-

i also learned that nobuta wo produce
is being shown in QTV,
that there is no way in hell
that i will be able to watch it!
it is my most fav jdrama T.T