August 26, 2009

pharma mayhem; pisiform(ity??)

yesterday, we had symposium for our FCL 5 subject. due to that, our regular classes were cancelled. one of it was pharmacology class with dr. lopez. the morning session of the symposium were cancelled. all of us decided to ditch the pharmacology for our remaining time since most of us still had a lot to do for spare time.
dr. lopez learned that we ditched him by the mistake of someone from our own class. so basically, he got mad. he went lecturing us about how we were wasting our time. only 12 students including were able to attend since we were just in a floor lower to thera lab.
symposium for afternoon session came on.
went home, sleep, eat a thousand times.
next day, Tee - jay, allowed us to read the letter sent to her by dr. lopez concerning the whole class. in the letter, he stated he's not mad about our actions, how disgusting our curriculum is, who's at fault and who's not, special mentions of special classmates, those who attended his lecture yesterday earns additional five big points in quizzes and automatic 5 pt. deduction to those who weren't able to attend.
basically, the letter were the topic during our free time. and classmates instead of feeling worried about it started making jokes out of it.
kuya irish. kuya gab. us
eto ang quiz natin
fill in the blanks
i am not mad blank?
why should i?
jed. jans (these two were the special mentions)
give me blank and blank
very good and believable reason!
during our gross ana., a former student came to visit us, he was now a successful p.t in the u.s, and he gave us uhmm, motivation or inspiration??? about study hard and pursue p.t coz it's worth it.
mark notices my hand, it has a dark spot on side of wrist. he was shocked when he saw it, coz he knows that i'm not addicted in online games yet i have darker spots than them who uses a lot of p.c. he said it was due to pressure inserted on the pisiform, one of the wrist bones, while we are using mouse or keyboard alone. it was also just last week when my mom noticed it, and since i don't know the reason i just said it was nothing. now, in my realization, my right hand has now darker spot and bigger pisiform compared to my left hand which is at this state very normal.
during vacation and free times i am in front of computer for longer hours. maybe not playing, but reading mangas and do a lot of stuff.
so there i got it.

and by the way,

wheelchair balance