October 23, 2008

sem break!: a flash back...

finally a semester's break so happy hardships 4 dis sem are ol my done!!!!!

the newly ended sem was so haggard and hectic.

i had new faculty, 1st in my life to have a very strict proffesors.

the simple anatomy at glance became the worst experience of my life, i mean, we disected a cadaver (human corpse), that caused me of sleepless night! almost all of the pillows in our house were in my bed to occupied the free space (so scared to think that i'm with someone creeepy!). the cadaver came in at the end of the 1st term, were the lessons are about head and neck. good thing of its being late is that we didn't disect the head part which scared us most. we started from skinning the body up to seperating the muscles. there were rumors that the cadaver's soul was roaming the campus it was witnessed by those self-proclaimed "third-eyes" of freaky students.

the most simple course subject and the only minor in this sem was the human growth and development. it was almost the same as those psychology, sociology and anthropolopy, society with family planning course subjects before. it just that it was more focus in every stage of life span from prenatal to old age. the teacher here is fine.

physiology. it is said to be the hardest but it came in second to me. there was nothing much happened, it was a normal class. the time was great so sa the teacher. its just that we focus on how the muscles contract. it also took me a midterm exam to realize what subject are for.

the most freaking subject! the pt1 and Pt 2 with its professor! other professor said that it is easy and fun but for us it is the most difficult and sufferings. Know why? it was because of the feeling-know-it-all-boastful-"kitid-utak" professor of ours. he surely knows how to terrorized students for nothing. well, the only fun part was the pool therapy lessons. i did enjoy the pool! i also hate the straight 6 hour class when he tried for the make up of lost lessons.

the fun class was psychiatry! we enjoy learning the different psychotic disorders and how to handle them. all we did was reporting and acting out the scenes of curing it. the professor was great. too bad that the school administration didn’t handled her properly.

the school foundation day was held

i became a member of the school journal

the college of physical therapy also had its first dinner meeting

well, this sem was a really tough one and there will be more hardships on the upcoming other sem.

chillos got to go!