March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

All ! wanted just spun right past me
While ! was rooted fast to the earth
! could be stuck here for a thousand years
Without your arms to drag me out
It was just last night when i clearly noticed that it is friday the 13th today. Com'on, what's the big deal? People keep telling it is unlucky day! Superstitions! Honestly, I do believe in superstions if it tells to bring good ones or lucky ones, but am not really into it. And if it brings bad lucks, I surely not believing it and I don't plan to either! xD
Friday, boring as time past on me. Actually, I have a class. Health Economics. But I ditched it! Again! I've been ditching my classes for two weeks in a row now. Imagined it! Right after the fieldtrip, I haven't back to school. Due to standard issues of I-don't-want-to-see-those-stupid-classmates'-faces. And my mom knows it. =.=
The usual routine of no class happenned. Eat. Sleep. iNet.
Oh well, yesterday, Claire and Tin made a stop at my place before going home to their respective places from school. They picked up my assignment in Health Eco. that they passed today. They did'nt linger like the usuals. But before they went home, they gave me this pin saying "I'm not emo, I'm just in".
tnx a lot guys!
that's your description, right?
well, it's yours
tnx. =.=

It's not really a big deal, but, somewhat somehow it's been a big deal! Last year, but not so last year because it's in this second sem. Just because I had bangs, this teacher of mine started to call me emo! I got bangs just for a change from the boring clean layers I always got from Lovely. I planned of having it because it is ordinary, it is still in the flow. I planned to changed because it's a new sem. After the emo thing, it gradually changed into "ADDICT!" . I know it is a joke, but always??? hmmh... The thing is, it was not ADDICT, it was ADIK!, like your pointing on a real user of illegal drugs. I already let it passed. Because now, all teachers probably hate me!
sorry, got bored. not tired.