June 27, 2008

Emo Means Gay?!

I know it's kinda late talking about "EMO" because many tv shows have discussed it already and also in many forums I've visited, but let me tell a story why this came up to my mind.

  • my classmate styles like an emo
  • one of my favorite bands are said to be emo
  • my handsome, very smart, and very talented classmate's style is emo (even on his t-shirt have a shout out that he is emo) and is confirmed emo! (heartbroken T.T)

The third on the list is the thing I still don't want to believe. Why? because in one friendster forum, the question is "what is the meaning of emo for you?". The most answer is simply "Emo is Gay!". I didn't believe in those opinions but I also did'nt try to contradict on it, because for me Emo is just a mere fashion statement. A statement that blooms today and die tomorrow. Although its been a long time since it bloomed, it is still on the "in".

Let me share this, a story of my friends biggest frustration about emo.

The 3rd on the list was the reason. The day before yesterday, my friend "April" and I had a conversation about him, "Jay Vic", here's the conversation:

  • april: is he a gay?
  • me: hell no! he is not gay, look at him, the way he dress seemed not and also the way he speaks, he is so manly.

  • april: is it?

  • me: why?

  • april: i saw him kissing with other guy in his friendster pictures!

  • me: ne? really? where
  • april: lips!

  • me: as in lips to lips with other guy?! ows?

  • april: check it on your on! he's my friend on my friendster
  • me: ok, i'll check it when i get home, but his not my friend on friendster, his profile's might be locked. I'll borrow yours.

Then I went home immediately because something inside me made me excited. I opened the friendster then his profile with a different name. There it was! The evidence! He is a true emo and a true gay! A big Ouch! He is one of my most respected senpai. I look after him because he is a good model for a student coming from a private-catholic school. Right now, I'm still shocked and I don't know what to do. I have to release it from me. So, I told it to my cousin and asked to kept it as a secret. Now, I've post it here. I really don't know what to do. I'm sure J.V is keeping this matter a secret to the whole school.

But I don't know what to do when we see each other and talk to each other, and he's acting like a straight guy in front of everyone when I know his true blood. T.T .... but I still feel a respect towards him. Just what like I said before it is just a mere fashion statement somehow... I'm still proud of him, he is a good person and he is proud enough to post it on his friendster account (although it is only a few number of schoolmate on his friend's list)...

Be proud of who you are, it is the least you can do for your self....