June 12, 2008

living like. . .

Have you ever wonder why you always ask ''why...?''? Then it will be followed by ''how come...?'' , but have you tried to answer it on your own?
If your answer is yes... then we're on the same boat.
The truth is that those people who often ask why and how come are the people who have low self -esteem, for those people don't know how to trust themselves . A certain event will happen first before the person can ask why. In this event, they were already failures, because they don't have confidence from the beginning. Then they will start to ask questions to others, then to themselves. The worst is there would be no answer that can satisfy them, to the extent blame someone and not themselves.
This character of low self-esteem could make you feel living in vain, insanity, lunatic, crazy and all its synonyms. And it is so hard to defeat it. It took me years before I won over it. It affects school and job and even personal life. I say, when the moment you realise you have low self-esteem, you should immediately find ways to overcome it. For it becomes worst and worst every time you tolerate it.
I'm going to share a chant, it is not really a chant it is just a phrase you need to shout out loud or just in your mind. it boost up my confidence and i hope it will also be useful to you all.
your name P O W E R!!! E N T E R!!!
Nope! it's not my own. I learned it in a japanese drama series "Nobuta Wo Produce" in english is "producing nobuta". One of many values in this show is looking for confidence and trust for your self.
It is also true that to have strong or i say too much confidence can also be meant being boastful, or be in the dangerous position. So, it is just to have a right mix of confidence.
"trust yourself. think for yourself. act for yourself. speak for your self. be yourself"