December 23, 2008

reflections... (cont.)

Ö5th night December 19, 2008Ö

I'm with Geriz. This time, we we're much earlier and seated!!!!!

it was Fr. Odong this time.
the gospel was about Mother Mary receiving and accepting the news brought to her by Angel Gabriel...
the homily, was about saying Yes! Father explained what if Mary didn't say "yes" to Angel Gabriel then there is nothing...
so we have to learn to say "yes" on good things...

Ö6th night December 20, 2008Ö

me alone... Geriz went to Enchanted Kingdom!

It was Father Jason ( Geriz went to e.k because of her classmate's invitation, thus she really wanted Fr. Jason to be the priest, she missed this time)

the gospel was about Mary went to Elizabeth to care and help her in her pregnancy and delivery to her son John...

with this the homily proceed about the good characteristics of Mary that we should learn: being approachable, dependable and the last one i forgot T.T
well, Mary, showed this characteristics when she accepted God's Grace and went to Elizabeth to care for her cousin.

being approachable, i can say I'm approachable 0.o... hehehe... the problem is that every body's impression of me is that I'm Snobbish!!! which is I'm really not, I'm just quiet...

dependable??? yes I am, for sometimes. . . You can depend on me but if I noticed that you can do it alone, I won't help you. when you abused my helping hand, don't worry I'll finish the promised but there will be no next time...

so far for being an example of Mary... T.T

Ö7th night December 21, 2008Ö

i went with my cousin, planned to meet up with Geriz on the Church 'cos she is with her suitor a.k.a ex-boyfriend. but they were late, i chose to be with my cousins 'coz they were seating. but my cousin Rachel insisted that I should go to Geriz, for the main reason, there was no much space for all of us... but i did'nt go, i did not want to stand the whole mass.

It was Fr. Peter, felt sorry for Geriz, she was standing already, yet, it was not her favorite priest.

the Gospel was the same with the Saturday's Gospel, about Mary visiting Elizabeth.

the homily is about sharing. Christmas is the season of sharing. Fr. Peter, again, compared the Christmas between Philippines and Myanmar, and Christians and Buddhists. He told us that while still in Myanmar, they share gifts to their teachers and also to the Buddhist around them.

Ö8th night December 22, 2008Ö

I'm with Geriz, i think she's doing it alternately...

It was Fr. Miguel

the Gospel was about the days of Mary with Elizabeth

the homily was about being thankful. being Filipino, he said that we are thankful to everything. We are trained to be thankful while still young. When we give something to a child, it's parent will teached the child to always say "thank you", until it is a part of the daily conversation. also being thankful has a bad outcome. best example, politicians... When elections are near, they would try to show that they help, and to those they helped, as a gratitude, they are going to vote for them eventhough they are not the suitable winners. Filipinos will always find means of showing their gratitude to those who showed help to them.

Ö9th night December 23, 2008Ö

I completed it! banzai! it was my first time to complete the Simbang Gabi!!! -_-

for the last simbang gabi, it was Fr. Jason

the gospel was about the birthday of St. John the Baptist. it narrates the story of how Elizabeth and Zachariaz waited for a long time fir their child.

the homily was about the lessons Elizabeth and Zachrias gave to us.

the lesson of the value of waiting, not hating God for being downed on whole life, and for still believing in God.

Father Jason just emphasized that the new generation doesnt know how to wait because everything we have is instant. instant noodles, instant coffee and even instant gf/bf...

my patience rating was never stable. i can wait for nowbut tommorrow i won't, even it is faster than before.

i hoped i still learned from the homily and be able to use it for every one's good.
i was so glad to complete the mass!