December 25, 2008

merry christmas

Merry Christmas!!!

our family had a Christmas party.

the planned: eat Noche buena at our Aunt's coz it was also her son's bday; have an xchange gifts and last enjoy!

ok ok ok ok ok

first was Noche Buena,

i ate the ever tradition sweet and spicy spaghetti and many sticks of bbq.

we had exchange gift worth 50 pesos for fun! but trust me, all the gifts cost double each. it is really the season of giving.

my monita is Tita Neng, she's also my godmother. so for this time, we exchange roles...

i gave her a wallet pouch, which cost a hundred plus but i got it for 27 pesos only... hahah... it was a discounted item on my mom's business... heheh

i got Aira as my "mini" Santa. she gave 5 different designed hankies...

it was really fun.

our grandfather received gifts from all of us with themed something funny.

my cousin sheila gave him "bilog", his favorite alcohol drink

my other cousins, ate nancy and rose anne gave him "pulutan" to complete the fun of bilog...

my sister and i gave him a miniture cat, for he adores cat more than us, his own grandchildren...

my grandad with bonnet and kanye west shades from jordan, kenken paul and bj

well, the party didn't last long. just right after the gifts are given, everyone just rush out leaving the place mess up with tethered gift wrappers. my cousins and i took some pictures of ourselves before we went back to our own places.

Then Tita Neng gave out her gifts to her nephews and nieces. I got two gifts from her, first one was a wallet, the same wallet she gave to others as her niece with coins and 100 bucks; the second one was the piggy bank i requested as her godchild.

When i went home, Brian, my cousin, gave me a a pouch bag as a gift from his mother, Tita Eva, for she is my godmother also.

my mom also gave away gifts. mostly are toys. each children got a set of toys. then, if you are her godchildren, you mostly got two gifts. either both toys or clothes and money or toy again!

then we slept at 2 a.m, wake up about 6:30 trying to get to the first mass of 7. but, we delayed, and delayed then we attend the last mass at 9:45 am!

at church, we were almost at the back but seated. not a good place. people behind us were so noisy! a lot of children were crying. but we still decide to finished it.

then got back home.

our cousin were waiting for us. Ate Aileen with her mom, Tita Vicenta, and her daughter, whom I loved to make it cry out loud, jaja.

My mom fed them, give them gifts and talked and talked and they decide to go home.

Tito Louie came, with his wife and two kids. but they didn't stay for so long, they still have places to go.

Rachel came in, she is my goddaughter. i gave her a pouch bag.

the actual plan of going out with my friend didn't work out. for the sake of having fun with his relatives, he got drunk, like my cousins, who drunk from the stroke of Christmas eve until the morning came.

then i just sleep. period.

end of my Christmas day.