December 22, 2008

my reflections...

The reflections I'm talking about is how we view our selves based on new lessons in life.

I remember during my highschool days, we wrote our reflection about the mass' homily of the previous Sunday mass for our Religion subject. (our school is a religious institution, see, they want to maintain the values of their students)

I don't know why? but I feel to write my reflections of my Simbang Gabi. Maybe because this might be my first time completing it (and I really hope so)

and here it is, from the first night until this 8th night! O.o (no absent! and one more ^-^)

Ö1st night December 15, 2008Ö

i'm with my cousins, reluctant to went at first, but convinced ^-^ ... the mass started at exactly 8 pm but we were late, good thing was that we did'nt miss the reading of the Good news... and we were standing!... we stand for almost an hour, we finished the mass...

the homily is about the teachings of the Christ, on how he guides the world and his people (that's how I understand the homily)

I think the Church wants to tell us to be also a guide to others, to be the others light by spreading the Good news (ofcourse what's within the Bible and not good gossip) ... Well, I've been a cathechist when i was 4th yr highschool, but now i hardly have time to attend sessions and to find schedules fitted to those public schools that we may serve. All i can do for now is to support my fellow cathechist who until now love to serve the Church...

Ö2nd night December 16, 2008Ö

I went with my old classmate Geriz whose house is just a 2 minutes away from mine. we walk, then we went early so that we can start from top and so that we have seats... but to our surprise, as early as 7:30 pm the church were already full so we ended standing again!

the homily is about the happiness Jesus is giving for the world and that is for a lifetime... the priest, Father Jason, specified that we should be happy for Jesus sacrifice for us...

Fr. Jason stated three things that we should avoid to attain happiness, and for those poeple who have it, they are not happy in their life...

1st is overspeeding: not the overspeeding on the roads (although it can cause accidents leading to unhappiness) but the overspeeding of ages... example are those kids who wants to grow older as fast as possible, they don't experience the happiness of being a careless kid. thus when they grow older they wish to be younger. i don't really wish to grow old... i'm still child, i love cartoons and still love toys... heheh

2nd is idleness: those poeple who does nothing but to sleep, coz when thet wake-up they feel sleepy again, so they don't do anything just nothing! and I admit that I'm this 2nd type T.T...

3rd is wrong priority in life: good example is that work over family, and you will wonder why your children or partner is not close to you... i don't feel this in my family even though my father work overseas... I understand my father, instead I'm the one who feels guilty that because of us he have to work abroad alone. T.T

Ö3rd night December 17, 2008Ö

on the third night... well, i don't understand the homily that much... you see, the priest that night is Fr. Peter, it's my first mass with him. he's from Myanmar, he doesn't speak well in Tagalog and even his English is slow... the mass proceed in Tagalog, and English on some parts...

the reading of the Gospel was in English, and it's about the bloodline of Jesus from Abraham...

the homily, well, i only understand that Fr. Peter was amazed that we have this tradition 'coz in his country there is no such thing... He just compared the Celebration of Christmas in the Philippines and Myanmar...

my mind was mostly on cloud nine, I don't understand him much...

Ö4th night December 18, 2008Ö

the 4th night. still no absent! happy! hahah

I went with my cousins, Geriz was shopping!

and it's Fr. Miguel, the new director of my highschool. it was also my first mass with him. I heard alot of him, my cousins told me that he was a some sort of notorious priest-director.

the Gospel this tym was about St. Joseph learned that Mary was pregnant....

the main reflection was about being straight. St. Joseph is an example of a man whose character is "straight", I mean, he's not the one who will take a flight on a problem... most of us, if we had a choice to escaped the problem, we escaped. I'm not much of this person, because I can't settle my own conflict with my aunt her children. if i'm straight then i should apologized and also to forgive them, but, instead of it.. i run away from them, I would rather take a longer path just not to face them...

failed again...

I'll continue my reflections on the next blog... ^-^