August 26, 2009

pharma mayhem; pisiform(ity??)

yesterday, we had symposium for our FCL 5 subject. due to that, our regular classes were cancelled. one of it was pharmacology class with dr. lopez. the morning session of the symposium were cancelled. all of us decided to ditch the pharmacology for our remaining time since most of us still had a lot to do for spare time.
dr. lopez learned that we ditched him by the mistake of someone from our own class. so basically, he got mad. he went lecturing us about how we were wasting our time. only 12 students including were able to attend since we were just in a floor lower to thera lab.
symposium for afternoon session came on.
went home, sleep, eat a thousand times.
next day, Tee - jay, allowed us to read the letter sent to her by dr. lopez concerning the whole class. in the letter, he stated he's not mad about our actions, how disgusting our curriculum is, who's at fault and who's not, special mentions of special classmates, those who attended his lecture yesterday earns additional five big points in quizzes and automatic 5 pt. deduction to those who weren't able to attend.
basically, the letter were the topic during our free time. and classmates instead of feeling worried about it started making jokes out of it.
kuya irish. kuya gab. us
eto ang quiz natin
fill in the blanks
i am not mad blank?
why should i?
jed. jans (these two were the special mentions)
give me blank and blank
very good and believable reason!
during our gross ana., a former student came to visit us, he was now a successful p.t in the u.s, and he gave us uhmm, motivation or inspiration??? about study hard and pursue p.t coz it's worth it.
mark notices my hand, it has a dark spot on side of wrist. he was shocked when he saw it, coz he knows that i'm not addicted in online games yet i have darker spots than them who uses a lot of p.c. he said it was due to pressure inserted on the pisiform, one of the wrist bones, while we are using mouse or keyboard alone. it was also just last week when my mom noticed it, and since i don't know the reason i just said it was nothing. now, in my realization, my right hand has now darker spot and bigger pisiform compared to my left hand which is at this state very normal.
during vacation and free times i am in front of computer for longer hours. maybe not playing, but reading mangas and do a lot of stuff.
so there i got it.

and by the way,

wheelchair balance

August 23, 2009

brachial plexus and yougart sticks

presenting, sir john's brachial plexus:

totallly different from the brachial plexus i first learned from maám shean
different in a way that it is in more or less 3d style.
the first one is "sticks"
and sir john would not want sticks from us.
it have to be like his...
and i haven't started practicing this one out...
this weekend, i found new treat, so addicting!
these are yougart candy sticks!

while i was watching t.v, my sister gave me one of these,
she said it is called yougart sticks
and i like it
to the piont that i told her to buy me my own!
it is also very cheap, 2 pcs. for 1 peso -.-

i also learned that nobuta wo produce
is being shown in QTV,
that there is no way in hell
that i will be able to watch it!
it is my most fav jdrama T.T

August 21, 2009

socially challenge

i'm so scared to be left out
but i'm also scared blending in

today is my cousin Rachel's birthday, and right now, at this very moment, they are having a party. and here i am alone and blogging proudly about it. dimwit! i'm not a party pooper. i'm really am socially challenged.

so many times that i ditched someones party not because i hate it nor i am busy with another thing or two but i just don't really like it. like if there's gathering, im hiding in my shell. i just don't feel it. my mind says go but my heart says no!

it's like seeing a lot of people makes my feet rooted in the grounds. but i can make it if it is for academic purposes. but parties? i don't think so. i always feels like crying if I'm about or have to go to. i hate it, i really hate it.

even in my own party, i like it simple. yes, it has been simple enough. there was not so many people, and only closest family were present. yet, on its very time, i was hiding in the bathroom. i didn't came out until i was so sure there's no more visitors left. i didn't even get out of the house nor entertain most of them nor thanked them for coming.

i think i started isolating my self from them is when:

  • relatives started think low of me, teasing me when its like they don't have dirt on their ugly faces
  • ate rhea spoke highly of herself and degrades me face to face, she might not intended it, nor she remembered it, but i never forget a single scene of it. im in high school and she was a lot older and smarter than me. note: smart people don't do that.
  • stupid dimwitted sister takes the scene

it is not just low self-esteem of mine. because at school, i do best. have enough confidence in me to face the class and my professors and to stand grounded on my points.

revelations: i have asperger's syndrome, not all of my relatives have a knowledge about it. it was just a months ago when i learned about it, and hell only knows since when i'm being like this.

  • i don't hate the syndrome itself, i understand it
  • i don't hate my relatives not knowing about this, but i hate them for badmouthing me (think i don't know eh?? i heard you all) (if you smart enough you will not do it, dimwits)
  • im happy staying like this but im not emo

August 16, 2009

series of unfortunate events

this week is a one hell of a ride!
hell, because it really is.
it's not because it was a busy week
but because it was very, very, very unlucky week!
  • computer never come to life
  • been crazy over pathology
  • colds hurting me a little
  • two steps behind in my neuro ana class
  • lunatic quizzes everywhere
  • loads of unnecessary homework
  • bills continously coming in
  • money coming out
  • run out of tea
  • i lost 500 pesos!
  • colds become flu
  • absent 3 days in a row
  • in the pit of dying right now

couldn't get any better?

everydays the same,

every history make,

will be the future of the next

broken and defeated

innocent eyes of mine
cried a thousand tears
in the midst of dawn
life's feel so unfair
for a girl who never crosses boundries
her never settled platform
has been again
shaken out of nowhere
my strongholds,
my path,
and my future
ruptured in a blizz of events
once again,
for the things she never done.
how could you ecpect me to be strong?

August 01, 2009

going back home

the life we are,

are just borrowed.

moreover a gift

much priceless from other gems.

everyone of us should cater it to the fullest.

once He decided to get it back,

we can just oblige,

regardless of our errands

we cannot hold back.

it is not a farewell,

but a welcoming home.

our existence are a mere reflection of His love

we never own ourselves,

borrowed but a gift,

none of us should object

He never wanted us wronged

but He wants us to feel the pain to grow out of love

so that when it's our time to go

we can always be at home

home in His place,

in His love

gone too soon

Like A Comet
Blazing 'Cross The Evening Sky
Gone Too Soon
Like A Rainbow
Fading In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Gone Too Soon
Shiny And Sparkly
And Splendidly Bright
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like The Loss Of Sunlight
On A Cloudy Afternoon
Gone Too Soon
Like A Castle
Built Upon A Sandy Beach
Gone Too Soon
Like A Perfect Flower
That Is Just Beyond Your Reach
Gone Too Soon
Born To Amuse,
To Inspire,
To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like A Sunset
Dying With The Rising Of The Moon
Gone Too Soon
Gone Too Soon
yesterday, july 30, 2009, my tita ester passed away around 4:30 in the afternoon. i went home yesterday that's when i learned about it. the whole family were getting ready to go to baisa. but not all were allowed to go. kids will stay home. thus, i was left out because my father said so, and because of my younger sister. i think i'm the only teen whose been left at home. my cousins around my age went with the adults. those who left were not sure when to comeback, my parents packed clothes. baisa was 3 hours drive from home, includes traffic and ofcourse the driver should be my tito boyong or else it is a 5 hours drive.
this morning, parents were already back home. they say their was no place to stay and its raining. some of the perks left to stay in baisa.
on the news this morning was former president cory aquino died this dawn. so basically, the whole t.v networks were full of this news, flashbacks of her life and leadership.