December 13, 2009

mr. physical therapy and ms. bff

kevin congratz! i was not present to witness one of your embarassing moment! Ü
thanks for informing me, eventhough you only got 1st runner up, still proud for you my friend!

saying that you just do it for fun and almost trashing it, i know you really want it. bleeh!

i still don't get it why girls got chills when they see you

even if your just like this:

more over

when you are up to something...

we still got long road ahead of us in school, together with lalin and other classmates we will reach our tolls.

thanks for transfering, you really don't have any idea how grateful i am!

owe you a lot!




salute to both of you!

my two bestfriends!

hope we still stick together until the end,

and friendship that will not end like my pasts.

December 11, 2009

love letter

you're alone!
when will you ever learn?
when will you stop expecting?
they will never to you
and you to them!
so you better stop daydreaming!
they are only using you,
stop being so gentle and kind,
because they will never be like that to you.
why can't you learn?
how many times of falling and crashing into a mud of pit
before you learn that there will always be
those people that would love to pull you down?
stop enjoying so there would never be heartbreaks and pains.
they are laughing behind your back.
i think it's better that you'd be the old one
you are selfish,
think only of yourself.
can you give me a promise?
promise me,
you will never let your guard down!


i killed him so many times in my mind
i hated him so much that makes me want to punch his face
i cried coz he tried to get my only confidant
i accept defeat coz im no match to him
i don't know who to trust anymore
i don't know who to listen to
i don't know what to do
i don't know how to be on my own
i'll rather go back in my old self
than let them hurt me openly
i'll rather be the same old criminal,
killing people i don't like
flooding my mind with their blood
satisfying my hunger for revenge
a mean smile that strucks my heart to laugh
the only way to feel my happiness
kill him and them

blog almost dead

October 02, 2009


i smile because i can't cry,
in my world it is forbidden.
the heaven of my pain,
are the rain of my happiness.
my image is nothing but shattered glass
an existence,
a nuisance to all.
no matter how loud i scream
no body would dare to listen.

October 01, 2009

tropical storm ondoy

it's been five days after the tropical storm ondoy hit central luzon and some part of southern luzon, and the aftermath is still visible.
batangas was not really affected, it only received rainfalls all day, no blackouts, no flood. thank God!
but, my school in laguna, was heavyly affected. laguna was one of the mostly affected of ondoy. the perpetual binan received a heavy blow. my classmates said that the gym submerged in the flood, our deans office was flood till waist line.
my dorm, thank goodness, the water didn't reach our rooms.
classes cancelled till saturday.
there were a lot of people lost their homes, belongings and even love ones.
until now, donations are badly needed.
bayanihan is alive.
but there is new depression, classified as of now as "super typhoon pepeng".
the worst part,
it hasnt yet reached it's landfall, in luzon again...

September 27, 2009

facebook quizzes

here are some of my facebook quizzes results...
i found them really funny, cute and quite interesting...ÜÜÜ
what my birthmonth means:
Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret.Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly an...d solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.
what flower represents me:
You are your happiest when amongst a lot of people. You don't stand out in the crowd, your whole group of friends do. Your mood changes easily depending on your environment.... If you are at work/school you are very studious, however if you are at a club, you know how to get your groove on!
what is my element?:
Nature had given you a passion which is difficult to master. Not everyone reaches this mastery early on in life. In fact, chances are you are still trying t...o figure out how to control it. At times you feel as if your desires are consuming you, while other times you feel that your passion is so lacking it is bordering on apathy. These extremes are not healthy, and you must learn to live in a world in which both of these can coexist in a single moment. Life teaches us that we are to hone our talents into one outlet and command that aspect of our life fully. The trouble with you is that you have so many passions in so many areas that it becomes difficult to chose the one that suits you best. I challenge you to become a jack of all trades, and a master of none - for only then will your passions be satiated.
what is the perfect job for me?:
You love to help people and wish to make sure no one is in any pain. You really like science and you are an academic. You are fun but are also very straight to the point...which isnt a bad thing!

September 25, 2009

learn to fly

Learn to fly by Foo Fighters:

my new theme song -_-

Run and tell all of the angels
This could take all night
Think I need a devil to help me get things right
Hook me up a new revolution
Cause this one is a lie
We sat around laughing and watched the last one die
I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for a complication
Looking cause I'm tired of lying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly
I think I'm done nursing the patience
I can wait one night
I'd give it all away if you give me one last try
We'll live happily ever trapped if you just save my life
Run and tell the angels that everything is alright
I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for a complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly
Make my way back home when I learn to
Fly along with me,
I can't quite make it alone
Try and make this life my own
Fly along with me,
I can't quite make it alone
Try and make this life my own

I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for a complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to

I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for a complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly
Make my way back home when I learn to fly
Make my way back home when I learn to, learn to,
learn to...

August 26, 2009

pharma mayhem; pisiform(ity??)

yesterday, we had symposium for our FCL 5 subject. due to that, our regular classes were cancelled. one of it was pharmacology class with dr. lopez. the morning session of the symposium were cancelled. all of us decided to ditch the pharmacology for our remaining time since most of us still had a lot to do for spare time.
dr. lopez learned that we ditched him by the mistake of someone from our own class. so basically, he got mad. he went lecturing us about how we were wasting our time. only 12 students including were able to attend since we were just in a floor lower to thera lab.
symposium for afternoon session came on.
went home, sleep, eat a thousand times.
next day, Tee - jay, allowed us to read the letter sent to her by dr. lopez concerning the whole class. in the letter, he stated he's not mad about our actions, how disgusting our curriculum is, who's at fault and who's not, special mentions of special classmates, those who attended his lecture yesterday earns additional five big points in quizzes and automatic 5 pt. deduction to those who weren't able to attend.
basically, the letter were the topic during our free time. and classmates instead of feeling worried about it started making jokes out of it.
kuya irish. kuya gab. us
eto ang quiz natin
fill in the blanks
i am not mad blank?
why should i?
jed. jans (these two were the special mentions)
give me blank and blank
very good and believable reason!
during our gross ana., a former student came to visit us, he was now a successful p.t in the u.s, and he gave us uhmm, motivation or inspiration??? about study hard and pursue p.t coz it's worth it.
mark notices my hand, it has a dark spot on side of wrist. he was shocked when he saw it, coz he knows that i'm not addicted in online games yet i have darker spots than them who uses a lot of p.c. he said it was due to pressure inserted on the pisiform, one of the wrist bones, while we are using mouse or keyboard alone. it was also just last week when my mom noticed it, and since i don't know the reason i just said it was nothing. now, in my realization, my right hand has now darker spot and bigger pisiform compared to my left hand which is at this state very normal.
during vacation and free times i am in front of computer for longer hours. maybe not playing, but reading mangas and do a lot of stuff.
so there i got it.

and by the way,

wheelchair balance

August 23, 2009

brachial plexus and yougart sticks

presenting, sir john's brachial plexus:

totallly different from the brachial plexus i first learned from maám shean
different in a way that it is in more or less 3d style.
the first one is "sticks"
and sir john would not want sticks from us.
it have to be like his...
and i haven't started practicing this one out...
this weekend, i found new treat, so addicting!
these are yougart candy sticks!

while i was watching t.v, my sister gave me one of these,
she said it is called yougart sticks
and i like it
to the piont that i told her to buy me my own!
it is also very cheap, 2 pcs. for 1 peso -.-

i also learned that nobuta wo produce
is being shown in QTV,
that there is no way in hell
that i will be able to watch it!
it is my most fav jdrama T.T

August 21, 2009

socially challenge

i'm so scared to be left out
but i'm also scared blending in

today is my cousin Rachel's birthday, and right now, at this very moment, they are having a party. and here i am alone and blogging proudly about it. dimwit! i'm not a party pooper. i'm really am socially challenged.

so many times that i ditched someones party not because i hate it nor i am busy with another thing or two but i just don't really like it. like if there's gathering, im hiding in my shell. i just don't feel it. my mind says go but my heart says no!

it's like seeing a lot of people makes my feet rooted in the grounds. but i can make it if it is for academic purposes. but parties? i don't think so. i always feels like crying if I'm about or have to go to. i hate it, i really hate it.

even in my own party, i like it simple. yes, it has been simple enough. there was not so many people, and only closest family were present. yet, on its very time, i was hiding in the bathroom. i didn't came out until i was so sure there's no more visitors left. i didn't even get out of the house nor entertain most of them nor thanked them for coming.

i think i started isolating my self from them is when:

  • relatives started think low of me, teasing me when its like they don't have dirt on their ugly faces
  • ate rhea spoke highly of herself and degrades me face to face, she might not intended it, nor she remembered it, but i never forget a single scene of it. im in high school and she was a lot older and smarter than me. note: smart people don't do that.
  • stupid dimwitted sister takes the scene

it is not just low self-esteem of mine. because at school, i do best. have enough confidence in me to face the class and my professors and to stand grounded on my points.

revelations: i have asperger's syndrome, not all of my relatives have a knowledge about it. it was just a months ago when i learned about it, and hell only knows since when i'm being like this.

  • i don't hate the syndrome itself, i understand it
  • i don't hate my relatives not knowing about this, but i hate them for badmouthing me (think i don't know eh?? i heard you all) (if you smart enough you will not do it, dimwits)
  • im happy staying like this but im not emo

August 16, 2009

series of unfortunate events

this week is a one hell of a ride!
hell, because it really is.
it's not because it was a busy week
but because it was very, very, very unlucky week!
  • computer never come to life
  • been crazy over pathology
  • colds hurting me a little
  • two steps behind in my neuro ana class
  • lunatic quizzes everywhere
  • loads of unnecessary homework
  • bills continously coming in
  • money coming out
  • run out of tea
  • i lost 500 pesos!
  • colds become flu
  • absent 3 days in a row
  • in the pit of dying right now

couldn't get any better?

everydays the same,

every history make,

will be the future of the next

broken and defeated

innocent eyes of mine
cried a thousand tears
in the midst of dawn
life's feel so unfair
for a girl who never crosses boundries
her never settled platform
has been again
shaken out of nowhere
my strongholds,
my path,
and my future
ruptured in a blizz of events
once again,
for the things she never done.
how could you ecpect me to be strong?

August 01, 2009

going back home

the life we are,

are just borrowed.

moreover a gift

much priceless from other gems.

everyone of us should cater it to the fullest.

once He decided to get it back,

we can just oblige,

regardless of our errands

we cannot hold back.

it is not a farewell,

but a welcoming home.

our existence are a mere reflection of His love

we never own ourselves,

borrowed but a gift,

none of us should object

He never wanted us wronged

but He wants us to feel the pain to grow out of love

so that when it's our time to go

we can always be at home

home in His place,

in His love

gone too soon

Like A Comet
Blazing 'Cross The Evening Sky
Gone Too Soon
Like A Rainbow
Fading In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Gone Too Soon
Shiny And Sparkly
And Splendidly Bright
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like The Loss Of Sunlight
On A Cloudy Afternoon
Gone Too Soon
Like A Castle
Built Upon A Sandy Beach
Gone Too Soon
Like A Perfect Flower
That Is Just Beyond Your Reach
Gone Too Soon
Born To Amuse,
To Inspire,
To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like A Sunset
Dying With The Rising Of The Moon
Gone Too Soon
Gone Too Soon
yesterday, july 30, 2009, my tita ester passed away around 4:30 in the afternoon. i went home yesterday that's when i learned about it. the whole family were getting ready to go to baisa. but not all were allowed to go. kids will stay home. thus, i was left out because my father said so, and because of my younger sister. i think i'm the only teen whose been left at home. my cousins around my age went with the adults. those who left were not sure when to comeback, my parents packed clothes. baisa was 3 hours drive from home, includes traffic and ofcourse the driver should be my tito boyong or else it is a 5 hours drive.
this morning, parents were already back home. they say their was no place to stay and its raining. some of the perks left to stay in baisa.
on the news this morning was former president cory aquino died this dawn. so basically, the whole t.v networks were full of this news, flashbacks of her life and leadership.

July 26, 2009


*i'm not perfect, i have my ups and downs of being human.
*so far, this might be the worst...
out of the ordinary, i commonly see this on programs.
now i'm one of the victim.
victim of shameless behavior and mischiefs.
i thought that i'm strong enough on my own...
but i was wrong.. .
my roommate, for the first time in my life, because of her i experience
i'm not that dumb! but i never thought that i will come to that point. that was the first time that i'm calling my mother for help in the middle of the night. the first time that i cant move my body. the first time that i can't think on what to do. the first time i feel awkward to something i know i have the edge. the first time that i knew sombodies were doing mischief in the same room where i am, under my bed! yes! she brought a guy and have sEx! if it's that what you want to get out of my mouth. i woke up in the middle of the night by my bed shaking, then a thought struck me! i heard her before that her boyfriend has nowhere to sleep, so think she brought her home. silently, i observed, making sure nobody will see me, then i'm sure that under me, there was not only one person but two! hello!!!! if you are smart enough or decent enough you will not do that in a place that you are not private. i want to cry out loud but no sound came out of my mouth. nor i can't even move. next day, everyone except me, where suprised about the guy in our room, and ate maan act like there was nothing strange happen, nothing strange about a guy sleeping in all girl's room! the worst was, it was not just the only time, it was the fisrt time. because there is second, third, and now a whole week with new bf. they are so stupid enough to not realising that they are pestering the others! they are noisy, they crowd the room, they make the us awkward... ok.. they are 2o plus, 3 of us 6 were 20 plus and matured or "liberated enough to think it that way." but the other 3 including me, were only 17 to 18 and 19! we were not opened to that thinking. the three of us were comforted in our own home. cared and respected by our families. school have a subject about sex and also morality! MORALITY! one of the things that my 2 foundation schools hammered in my mind! we are innocent but smart! we know what to think! it was hard on me! i depressed! beside aura, i only have kevin in a new place. eventhough it's not right, but i have to burst it out, i told him everything, i message my friends eventhough i know they can do nothing in my situation, i informed my mom eventhough i know this time nobody can comfort me. this is just the most extravagant rant i experienced!
others were nothing compared to this.
uniform delayed by a month,
i can't catch up with my lessons,
alienation in some of my class,
stupid security officers,
my depression is creeping out,
my syndrome being prominent again
how am i supposed to have a good social relationship when my syndrome is overwhelming me because of some stupid environmental stimuli???

July 25, 2009

the real deal

I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me
I remembered each flash as time began to blur
Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me
And your voice was all I heard that I get what I deserve
-new divide, linkin park

"it was like reading a huge strange map which has no direction"
- my mind in circles wondering where to start.
.....that was my mind during the first month of the new school year. reminder! i am a transferree, it's really hard for me to start in nowhere. But slowly but surely, i'm now riding the wave. it was not that hard, because Kevin's with me, so i knew someone already.
. forward to my recent weeks! because first weeks where quite full of rants! heheh >.<

school's great, and finally i'm with "real classmates"! 0.0
they are fun and hard working o.0 though, kevin and I felt outcast when they are studying, because we're not that studious. xD
this week, i've tasted a real hell. '
Monday (07-20-09)
i went back to biñan so early monday morning. for what i know was, we will be having quiz in patho, prelim exam in fcl5 and extra meeting for biochem. i haven't read the lecture in patho so it was a big luck for me to have 4 over ten quiz >.< ... after patho, we proceed to fcl5 and i just got a hunch that it will not be an exam day. stupid proff, she did'nt accept our projects which was due last saturday! i mean it's late, so what, the number of students who passed it on time was like 4 to 5. i don't know where to find her office!!! i'm so proud of my chosen leader, sen. chiz escudero *roll'seye*. heheh ... after fcl5, classmates went to ana laboratory to study brains for the neuro ana exam while kevin and i went to biochem class. i felt so sleepy that i was asleep the whole session. after class i went back to my boarding house. i slept! ahahaha! victory! noon came, so as kevin with loiue, they invited me to join their "group study". actually i've been invited by mark earlier that day. i was hesitant at first, they were all boys! kevin was so pushy that i agree to follow. the place: mark and ramon's dormitory. here it goes, "it was my first gruop study!" so as kevin's. so i went it was around 5-6 pm.
the group study:
classmates were: kuya irish, mark, ramon, louie, kevin, and loreto (he came late)
the session start ofcourse with chitchats, don't forget, i'm with them boys! duh! boys do know how to gossip! allen and kevin taught me how! after some chit chats and munchchins, the study came next. kua irish facilitated the group study. we all decided to hit the brodmann's areas and it's lessions. and the fun starts. we went to this lession and another. stop. chitchat. lesiions. stop. chitchat. and in during the study, when all of us were confused by a single word, kuya irish were using a lifeline; CALL A FREIND. he called aileen and karen for the classification. for the entire time, it was only brodmann's lession! we just finished brodmann's around ten and i decided to head back first. kevin also decided to go home.
back at dorm, i thought i was alone because aura was at her sister's place, ate karen already went to his bf's house, ate vanessa was not at home, ate maan gone, then i saw kat's with me already sleeping in her bunk. i decided to sleep first. then i woke up, read and eat, still sleepy and i'm not quite sure if i absorbed the lessons i'm reading. ate vanessa came. we ate oatmeal. then she slept. a little later, ate maan came. ok she came and went to sleep. so i read again. then the disaster came. ate maan woke up saying PJ will come and sleep over! what! Girl's boarding house!!! then a bastard will come and sleep! so as i can't argue, it's not his first time to sleep there, i fixed my things and went back to my hobby of sleeping. i don't feel to study when there is something so bothering. i did'nt sleep in my bed, i slept on ate karen's bed.
woke up so frustrated. i go for my morning and bath rituals. then went to school. exam started. the exam, well, let's just say it "HALIMAW". all in all it was a monster's exam. much more than sir erwin's devil boardtype exam. during the exam, my classmates were asking for bonus. the proff was hesistant at first then she called a "5 minute brainstorming", meaning you can go around and copy or cheat your classmates answers legally! classmates in front went to back because smart classmates were stationed there. i did't went there, my leg hurts and i was still confused what's that brainstorming means. the time were running out. a single exam consumed a regular 3 hr. class. that was just for the fisrt part of the lecture exam, we still have the second part and the laboratory part. wooooooooh! *drools*
the second part came. i think all of my brain was drained already by the first part. it was really hard to understand and answer the second part eventhouh it was a multple choice type. i felt that it was not even tackled during the class or even the right answer is not on the choices. i came to the conclusion to use the ultimate weapon of "mini-mini-my-ni-mo" T.T
the best part was, the proff anounced that the laboratory exam was cancelled!
so went back home then sleep!
i woke up in the evening, ate karen was watching t.v, aura already gone, ate vanessa, ate maan and kat were still out. then went back to sleep again. -.-
around 12 midnight, ate maan came, her presence waking the hell out of me! she's with pJ. agian! the same scenario every night! i went down and slept in ate karen's bed. i planned to stay up and do laundry, but ate maan's so ^%(%$*&% and it was like my fault to stay up! like hell, i am also paying to use the place in my accord as long as someone was not disturb. oh yeah... turned on lights and my presence of being awake will disturb their ^$&$%^&. shit! stupid shit! good for her i don't have major exam to be so worried. or else i will burst into something i don't know.
i woke up, my schedule was 3 pm. major exams for 2 minor subjects. so i was just relax and don't feel worried about the upcoming exam. mood disturbed by the presence of someone. i have to bath and dressed in the c.r. it was really hard to dressed in c.r! hate it. hate it.
the day was so down with me having violations of not wearing a uniform! I STILL DON'T HAVE MY UNIFORM, i begged in the security office. i agreed to a violation signed and my i.d confiscated so that i can get in and take exam. after exam i checked for my uniform, and staff says "tommorow". then i show him my violation slip and he gave a note to show them security office the evidence that i still don't have my uniform. that damned office still doesn't believed that note and send me to student's affair's office to get someone signed my note. there, they wondered why the s.o doesn't believe the no uniform's note. i also wondered why!!! good thing they signed it. i went back to get my i.d and went home. so tired of walking here and there, so i sleep! hahah...
Fine day in a hell week. a single light exam in the afternoon. i also got my uniform. *.* that night i was so happy to learned that ate maan will not be sleeping in the boarding house. wooohooh!!!! if she sleep there, a guy will also be sleeping there. because next day i will be having a tough major exam from a minor subject! releif a little that i can study. after all my relaxing do this, do that. i planned to study... ok i'm on study and study. then around 3am, ate maan came with p.j ... though they went straight back to ate maan's bunk, they were chit chatting! and their voices irritated me so hard! darn! i sleep instead! not worried about my exam because i'm worried more about my angina and i already have difficulty in brathing because of how i felt... i will be so happy to get otu of this boarding house or ate ate maan moves away! it's either one of us!!!
i'm not actually excited about the exam. but i do feel excitement because i will be going back home in sto. tomas! fast forward im home! i show my parents my uniform!!!! weeehhhh!
and now awake blogging!!!...
P.S i have alot of funny conversation i want to put on
P.S #2 pictures were on mark's phone

July 09, 2009










June 19, 2009

numb the pain

! Can geT holD of

June 06, 2009

moving forward and forward --->

I've got it all, but I feel so deprived

I go up, I come down and I'm emptier inside

Tell me what is this thing that I feel like I'm missing

And why can't I let it go








..... ! actually noticed that ! woke up late in the morning even though ! slept early the night before. it took me ages to noticed that neighborhood is quite. then a thought struck me! it was June 1st! the kids who always so noisy and so bothersome are back to school! vacation, the time of their life ended! woohuh! =.= . . . . father called, telling me to go to school and get enrolled. but the thing is, i haven't prepared any of the requirements... o.0

..... anyways, i met up with Geriz that afternoon and went to gym. the attendance were only quarter of the regular number. so, doc. abe decided to cancel taebo session thus we just go work out only. well, i didn't work out, geriz only, i'm not in the mood to work out. then one of the gym's client begged doc. abe to have taebo session coz' she's kinda desperate to lose weight and decrease her body size because she's GETTING MARRIED! good for her! =.= .... with that, we had taebo for only 30 mins.




..... a nice pleasant dream then suddenly my mom woke me up so early! but ! continue sleeping, ignored the wake up call. proceed back to my dream, then minutes after, mom woke me up again! waking me up by someone that i know for myself i don't have to is making me upset and bad mood! then she explained her self that we must go to school and get enrolled. but i think we'll gonna be late and requirements were still not prepared.

..... afternoon came, i went to tanauan to buy all the requirements needed, and a picture taken for the required 2x2 pic. i accidentally bump with my 1st yr. h.s English teacher, ms. carandang, though i was too shy to talk to her... xD

..... went home, i waited for geriz's text message, saying we won't go gym for the rain was so hard and probably their was a flood on the way.




..... Woke up so early, i really have to get my self enrolled or else I'm dead meat! T.T .... With my mom, we went to UNIVERSITY OF PERPETUAL HELP in Biñan. We left Sto. Tomas raining, reached Calamba with cloudy skies and few drizzles. We ate breakfast in Jollibee, because it's gonna be a long day for us. And true enough, we reached Biñan with a super shinning sun!! like literally! i wore a jacket believing it will also be raining hard there. though it rain when we were bout to go home.

..... it was a matter of time we did realize that we have a lot of paper to be xerox copied. from the admission to the xerox center outside campus which was about 5 minutes walk mom and i walk back and forth for about 3 times! and for the fourth time, mom do it alone =.=

..... when all the papers were ready, the staff took me to the Dean's office for my subjects. i wasn't able to get all the desired subject i knew i will be able to from my evaluation day because the person that day was different, and they weren't able to look at other college course with the same subject course. talking about luck huh?!

..... we were lead to 4th floor for the payment, and luckily my mom were able to keep up. Last time she went there, she were easily tired and short for breath. there were 7-8 steps or counter we had to fall in. on the second to last counter were the Student Body, they ask for student council fee, and asked us to returned to them after the last counter, and so we did. they checked for the validation of my enrollment and placed a S.B stamp on my registration form and greeted us "WELCOME TO PERPETUAL". well, they actually greeted my mom and not me! T.T

..... we were asked to proceed to the Guidance Office which were on their lunch break. so, we went outside and looked for a possible boarding house. we saw one, which is just outside the school, we checked it out, it was good, but not enough for me. the room were long, able to have 7 occupants, but i found the room not well ventilated even though i will bring my own fan, the room will still be looking hot because there were only one window! and for the day light it's still look dark inside. We went to 7/11 because it is also just in front of the school, we had drinks. we still haven't eaten lunch, because i told her we would rather eat after the whole enrollment thing.

..... thinking that the office of the Guidance is back in operating hours, we proceed there. they had me answer questions which just like the tagged and survey question i answered here. i think my answers were quite disturbing... =.= i felt quite exhausted already, so i answered lazily... xD

..... after that, i'm now official Perp's student! yey me!

..... we continue looking for boarding house, and we found two. the first one were already full so she recommend the one beside her. the second one were still have vacancies, but the bed available were the upper part of double deck-er. we have it reserve for me. we took it, the place were good enough,

  • walking distance from school,

  • the way there were a lot of houses and business stalls so it won't be scary to pass there at night,

  • the room were well ventilated although i think i still have to bring my own fan (i don't trust the ceiling fan will reach me enough),

  • there is a place outside where we could have laundry

  • the bathroom is inside the room

  • we have own kitchen sink inside

  • it's cheap! for only a thousand a month. 800 for the rent, electricity will be parted among us boarders, the water is free and i don't think that i would pay whole 200 on my part for electricity.

..... after that we decided to head off. we left at around 2 pm... for the big surprised of the day, TRAFFIC! it took us nearly 4 hours in the traffic! and the source was, this humongous "acacia" tree blocked the road. i think it was due to the heavy rain, that the soil eroded and let loose on the tree.

..... we reached Calamba. we ate lunch/dinner. or it was dinner alone and we completely skipped lunch. we stretched our legs by having stroll on the mall. and honestly, i really feel so tired that time. that on the road home, i fell asleep straight from Calamba up to Sto. Tomas! reached home, went to sleep as fast as i could.




..... tired from enrolling, woke up late in the afternoon! text Geriz that i can't go gym 'coz i still feel exhausted.




..... stayed home. it was raining hard outside the whole day. at night, i gave geriza my liquid eyeliner that i'm not using, we didn't go to the gym knowing that it might be our last day there. we won't risk walking on floody Tanauan!




..... mom was preparing my things that i will be bringing in my boarding house. she's the only one preparing and gathering my things, i don't think i should prepare it yet, even though school will start this coming monday. in fact i still don't want to go to school on Monday. i'm not prepared mentally! o.O hahah




it's raining really heavy this days...

due to climate change T.T

we have heavy low pressure area

around the Philippines corner....

June 02, 2009

tawa k nmn

When you walked through the door
It was clear to me (clear to me)
You’re the one they adore, who they came to see (who they came to see)
You’re a … rock star (baby)
Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)
Player… Who could really blame you (who could really blame you)
We're the ones who made you

gloomy day... i say...
oh well,
my Kuya Erap always sending me e-mails...
some are imformative,
like health and medicine;
some are news currently circling Saudi Arabia and Philippines;
and just recently,
a joke!
i really laugh on those!
here they are...
hope you'll laugh too! -.-

Misis : Darling, ano ang tawag sa isang asawa na sexy, maganda, hindi selosa,mapagmahal, .............masipag, mapagkalinga, masarap magluto?
Mister: Guni-guni!
TANONG: Paano mo sasabihin sa isang babae na mataba siya nang hindi siyamababastos?
SAGOT: 'Uhm, excuse me, miss...Mang Tomas ba ang lotion mo?'
Aanhin ko ang napakalaking bahay, mamahaling sasakyan, milyun-milyongkayamanan, at masasarap na pagkain kung ang kapit-bahay ko ang may-ari ng mgaiyun?!
Nanay: Ano 'tong malaking zero sa test paper mo?
Anak : Hindi po 'yan zero, 'Nay. Naubusan lang ng star ang teacher kokaya binigyan niya ako ng moon! Moon lang 'yan, 'Nay, promise!
Mga sikat na salawikain:
Better late than pregnant.
Kapag may tiyaga, good luck!
Aanhin pa ang damo...kabayo ba ako?
Do unto others, then, run! Run! Run!
Ang hindi magmahal sa sariling wika ay lumaki sa ibang bansa.
Ang lalaking nagigipit, sa bakla kumakapit.
Guro: Sino si Jose Rizal?
Juan: Di ko po kilala.
Guro: Ikaw Pepe?
Pepe: Di ko rin po kilala..
Guro: Di nyo kilala si Jose Rizal?
Pedro: Ma'm, baka po sa kabilang section sya!
Paano humamon ng AWAY ang ...
Magpakita kayo mga Duwag!
Isa Isa Lang! para patas ang Laban!
Patay kung Patay! Walang Takbuhan!
Husband: Kung di ako makaligtas sa operasyon ko bukas, ikaw na sana angbahalasa lahat-lahat. .. I LOVE YOU!
Wife: Tumigil ka! wala pang namamatay sa TULI!
Pedro: Pare balita ko bading ka daw. totoo ba?!
Ambo: Pare, Mga chismax lang 'yun galing sa mga chuvanes na walang magawasa mga chenilyn nila.... chura nila! hmpf!
Boy: Di na tuloy ang kasal natin
Girl: Bakit?!
Boy: Kuya mo kasi eh!
Girl: Hindi no! Gusto ka ng Kuya ko!
Boy: Yun nga eh...gusto ko rin ang kuya mo!
Juan: San ka galing?
Pedro: Sementeryo, libing ng byenan ko.
Juan: E bakit puro kamot ang mukha at braso mo?
Pedro: Mahirap ilibing eh... Lumalaban!!
BALIW (tumawag sa mental hospital): Hello... may tao po ba sa Room 168?Telephone
Operator: Wala po, bakit?
Baliw: Check ko lang kung nakatakas talaga ako!
Misis: lolokohin ko mister ko, magpapanggap ako na prosti dito sa kanto.
Timing (dumaan ang mister nya....)
Misis: Pogi! available ako ngayon, pwede ka ba?
Mister: Yoko sayo...kamukha mo misis ko!
American guy named Paul challenged a Filipino:
American: Use my name 4 times in a sentence!
Pedro: Paul, be carePaul, you might Paul in the swimmingPaul.
Biyaya na makukuha sa Gulay:
AMPALAYA - pampapula ng dugo
KALABASA - pampalinaw ng mata
TALONG - pampatirik ng mata
MANI - pampatirik ng TALONG.
Ay! nalito na ako.
Quote for the Day...
Ang Buhay ay parang's Hard.
Kapag may kaaway ka, tandaan mo....dito lang ako... dito lang talagaako...tapos dyan ka lang, wag kang pupunta dito! Baka madamay ako.
Prospective Employer to Applicant: ' So why did you leave your previousjob?'
Applicant: ' The company relocated and they did not tell me where!'
Juan: Birthday ng asawa ko...
Pedro: Ano regalo mo?
Juan: Tinanong ko kung ano gusto niya.
Pedro: Ano naman sinabi?Juan: Kahit ano basta may DIAMOND.
Pedro: Ano binigay mo?
Juan: Baraha.

May 31, 2009

3 turns must be enough

just a wrapped-up on what happened in my may:

on the first two weeks of may;
gym, sleep, inet, sleep, gym, sleep, inet,
inet was now boring for me,
but i still can't help myself not to turn it on =.= (adik!).
it's like a drug to me... 0.o
so ! ended up watching jon and kate plus 8 on line.
present episodes on t.v can't seemed to satisfy me...
i looked for past episodes and future ones,
'coz present telecast here in the Philippines are seemed delayed..
actually, it can now be paired with my favorite team...
BrGy. GiNebRa G!n KinGs!
before, no other show can make my itchy fingers to change the channel
but now, J&K+8 seemed to make my fingers really itchy...
they now share time with my fav team.
the 2nd wk seemed to be twisted...

  1. Ginebra won the second slot automatic semis position =.=

  2. to my horror. INTERNET CONNECTION DISCONNECTED!, their office were moved, so technically we did'nt know where to pay.. does'nt matter because

  3. Sheila still got her connection, so we much on line drama for 5 straight nights!



3rd week! "Shit happens"


mother had finally paid the bill on the nearest office

which is just a hundred kilometers away! 0.0
then we waited probably about more than a week for the reconnection

the operator said "followed-up has been made to the main office"
for almost two weeks!

by the way,

i secretly joined PCSO (lotto, i mean for real)

now that i'm already of age,
can't seem to resist the huge sum of grabd prize! woohuhuh =.=

did't win though...

my first losing ticket T.T



3rd week to 4th

gym continues...

i don't even think that i lose weight,

my best friends can't answer why though...

where did you hear V-cut talked, nor chocolates and sodas can speak???

on the upper side,

my mom got the papers i needed for transferring

but first,

the registrar gave the wrong papers...

they gave her kevin's

so she waited long enough for the registrar to produce mine.

could you imagine kevin's face on mine??

my possible schedule, tentative only,

got from the day i went for the evaluation...


once again,
I'm sunk into darkness
that for others,
it may seem nonsense or waste of time
but for me,
it's is just one of my sanctuary....

1. Musta bakasyon mo?

- ayos lng, wlang pinagkaiba s normal n araw...

2. Palagi ka bang umaalis?

- hindi ..

3. Masaya ka naman ba?

- stoned!

4. Bakit?

- eh s aun eh...

6. Kailan pasukan ninyo?

- sa june 15 dw..

7. Sa tingin mo, bakit kailangan mag-aral?

- para matuwa ang magulang, sila nmn ang my gusto at pera nmn nila...

8. E bakit kailangan ng tubig?

- for drinking: para hnd aq madehydrate at hnd aq ngsbi s mama q ng "mama hiney hurts... T.T"
for other purposes: para my pampaligo!

9. Anong gusto mo? Sports, Music o Acting?

- sports and music.

10. Makulit ka ba?

- minsan lang, pag nag-isip bata n nmn aq...

11. Maingay ka ba?

- nope.

12. May kaaway ka ba?

- hmmmmppp.. UO

13. Meron bang special sa araw na ito?

- relieved from hiney hurts!!

14. Musta naman love life mo?

- ZzeroO

15. Sino naman bf/gf mo?

- zero-kun, kung kilala mo 'yon..

16. May nagalit na ba sa iyo dahil sa isang tao lang?

- oo.

17. Saan ka nag-aaral?

- exiting DMMC- Institute of Health Sciences, entering **** (still confidential)

18. Musta naman doon?

- ewan q... physically absent

19. Kaya mo pa ba mag-aral?

- oo...

20. Musta mga grades mo?

- aus lng, naipang-aasar p s mga gahaman s grades =.=

21. May bagsak ka ba?

- WALA! =.=

22. Saan ka kumakain sa school mo?

- sa cafeteria..

23. Sino kasama mo?

- friends/classmates

24. Bakit?

- gutom din sila

25. Anong subject ka natulog?

- college, wla; nung highschool, lahat ng math sesion q nakakatulog aq...

26. Nagcutting ka na ba?

- oo for a good reason; oo pag sobrang bored aq s klase...

27. Lagi ka ba late pumasok?

- hehehe.. YES!

28. Sumayaw ka na ba sa school mo?

- oo

29. Bakit ka sumayaw?

- para may grade...

30. E kanta?

- nope

31. Ang init no?

- malamig ngaun. umulan ngaun eh..

32. Mahilig ka ba manood ng dvd?

- oo..

33. E text?

- nope.

34. Internet?

- super.

35. Mahilig ka bang gumimik?

- hnd..

36. bored ka ba ngeun?

- yup

37. anu paborito mong kanta

- more to life by stacie orrico

38.anu kanta ngeun?

- the climb by miley cyrus

39. Si vic sotto ay..

- may show n s channel 5

40. Si ely ng eraserheads ay..

- sa pupil n.

41. Gusto kong lumipad..

- at matulog s ulap.

42. Gusto kong pumunta sa..

- Greece

43. Gusto kong kumain ng..

- spicy yumpanada.. yumyum =.=

44. Gusto kong maging..

- invisible.

45. Gusto ko sanang..

- makatapos na ng pag aaral.

46. Palagi na lang..

- mainit.

47. Meron din akong..

- asperger's syndrome

48. It's not..

- contagious

49. Pagod na kong..

- magalit.

50. Habulin mo..

- happiness mo! happiness!

51. Last, anong masasabi mo sa survey?

- palipas oras ..