January 29, 2009

...and it started raining gum balls!

Maybe then we could go for a ride

Drive down to the countryside

Get away from the gray

And frenzied hurly-burly of the city life


-had applied physics class.
actually, went to school earlier than usual. i tried to find my group mates and dr. lucido for our report for the next day in health eco! we really have no time to properly prepare our report. first, we don't have copies our lesson. second, one of my group mates gone for some family matters. and third, don't really have access to other members.
lunchtime. i found my group mates, and also dr. lucido. got the book and photocopied the lessons. now what's left was preparing the report. then the physics class started. came late because of the health eco stealing my time. i love physics and at the same time i hated it. my head ached for those difficult problems and the prof were giving us some hard time on tricky questions. i really did felt exhausted. i also worried the report. it's a fifty plus pages.
got home. very tired. i tried so hard to read the report but all i did was stare on it. so i decided to sleep and continue reading next day.
woke up very early and very worried about the health eco report. i actually didn't know where to start. i read it from the top. understand slowly got the whole idea, and the problem now was how to present it?! i thought about power point, but the time was already too short and don't have laptop to bring to school. I picked to use the traditional manila paper and marker. but realize that for the whole group it won't be enough and also the time. Came up with the idea of writing the important ideas and theory on paper and have it photocopied and will distribute it to the whole class. save time and cheaper! ^-^ imagine, for 7 hours i was only preparing for the report. then i took off to school. came a little late. and surprised by our prof announcing that class is cancelled! whooot! talk about the whole effort. he said we are having make-up class this coming Friday. hassle right?
went home. knock out off sleep!
damn! how i love to sleep !
yay! no school! my favorite day!
nothing much.
watch movie.
sleep again.
it's my usual you know?