January 18, 2009

why don't you???

If you ever need a helping hand you'll find one at the end of your arm

My day started as my cousin waken me up through my window looking for hair iron, which, unfortunately for her was with our other cousin's house. I took all my morning rituals. then off to school.
I reached school and the class was already started, that because the professor mixed the first section and my class for some little competition. Good thing, there was no late for that day.
We played basketball and my team sucks! I have two teammates who did their part with a mix of I-don't-know-who-my-teammates-are. I didn't shoot, the ball for me was too heavy to lift up and throw. So, for my part, I'd helped at defence and running down the latter. I nearly smacked the face of our opponent for she held the ball for so long, hugging it by all means! and I tried to get it from her that lead to the ball smacked her face! =.=
We ate our lunch. Had some chit-chat. Suddenly, we recieved a text message from Cristine. She couldn't get to school for some lame and obvious a lie excuse.
That text irritates me! For this shows how Tin don't care about studies much. She often got absents for different lame excuses which was hard to believe. She didn't even got better grades even if she was present. It's just some of her... I don't want to talk about it anymore. Just with the decision that me and all the PT2 will once try to make her realise we will no longer aid her until she help her own self.
Sorry Tin, it's for your own good.