January 26, 2009

truth, lies, and all that jazz

no point in telling the truth

if the story next day was twisted and believed

if you insist

you just become a cry wolf in the plaza

trying to please strangers

that you are a harmless kitten

Monday. I hate it waking up so early on Monday morning. I have this Monday sickness you know? OK. First things first. I have Rizal class at 7:30 but the class always starts after the flag ceremony ( one of the reasons I personally hate Monday mornings; standing for so long) at around 8:3o. I woke up exactly 7, did my morning rituals, rituals before go to school and all that. Leave home at 8:40, I was supposed to leave with mom and Shiela but I can't wait for them any longer, so head off first.

Reached school around quarter to 9 and got shocked when I entered the room. Everyone was busy. WE ARE HAVING A MAJOR EXAM! *0.0* .stones. Good thing I brought my permit and had read and remembered lessons. Kevin transferred behind me (the usual?). Got some answers from Claire. Allen got some from mine yet he scored higher than me. Upset when I learned Brenda couldn't get in because she's not wearing uniform. T.T I'm so excited to boast to her that Jason was in our house =.=

After exam, we went outside the room and straight to school cafeteria. Cristine was already there. We talked about the shit that happened last Friday afternoon. God D*^n F@#%$d! The story has been already twisted and believed by some assholes! Of course, what to expect?! They will cover up for themselves. Also, that time, it seemed that mom and Shiela were already talking in the OSA. Saw Dr. Lucido been called. Then Alvin came, joined our table. Then it started the story again. I was encircled by storytellers. Honestly, they were shouting already at me! As if I'm deaf and the one who committed it. No point on explaining to them, because they obviously tried to cover up and put the innocent one on the line. Then Sheila went out of the office. Malou points her out to Alvin. Alvin shocked that he didn't know her. And we TELL HIM MANY TIMES that Sheila also don't know him and would have no motive to put him on line. Then mom went out. I decided to join them. I learned that Sheila's name had been used.

Went home.


Tess came over, had a pedicure. I picked green for nail polish since it's Chinese New year! =.=

There are so many people wearing mask today.

P.S I'm not believing Shiela just because we are cousins, I'm believing her because I know this time she's telling the truth.

P.S #2 I was disappointed/upset/angered a little to Ms. Smarty Pants

P.S #3 I don't want to put our friendship in toll but I really don't like how you handled the truth.

P.S #4 It's not a threat, It's just the TRUTH.