January 21, 2009

what a day!

I woke up early, because my sister was too noisy early in the morning. She heads off to her school. I ate breakfast with mom. Then I watched T.v for an hours before realising that within 5 hours, I have to take two major exams both in afternoon. It took me almost only an hour to read the lectures in health economics. READ not Study. I was watching T.V. The papers were in front of me, already reading it, but my mind was so high on cloud nine! My focus was out of reach. So, I stopped, and continue watching T.V =.=. I also didn't bother about the exam in Computer. I don't know. maybe just because I was so lazy.
Honestly, I had two major exams that I successfully went through! (thank God!) First, the Computer exam about MS excel, I was absent in all the meetings of this topic. So, as a not so surprisingly for my self, I took the exam with no lectures at all. The first part was identification, I got only one mistake, and the rest of the answers were all from what I've understand from Ms Word (good thing both are interrelated) ^.^. The second part was the practical part. Bu#@!&*t! I did it manually! Dumb me! there was a shortcut! That's why my Prof was laughing at me all the time he passed by me.
-then first exam was finished, we hung out at school cafeteria-
-I ate late lunch- (tnx to the staff who heated up the meal only for me 0.0)
-my cousin Sheila went down when she saw me eating, she also had exam in chemistry without lunch-
-the green mango vendor passed by, I bought four pieces, for me, Sheila and for Claire and Ate Raquel-
-Ian started to notice the viand I'm eating, he was eating a lollipop, took him sometime to ask me to have a taste to the beefsteak. I gave him, but I think he still needs more, he just too shy.
it's a beefsteak
yup! i made them to heat it up!
-after long time, when the rice was almost empty and there were still alot of viand-
can I have a taste of it?
oh sure...
it's salty
of course!
it was made of soy sauce
try it with the fish sauce
Then he had a new lollipop, and start to ask Claire to treat him for a piece of sandwich. of course Claire just ignored him because she thought he was just joking. Then Ian started to take off my wallet, I grab it from him, I also just ignored him. Then he started to tell us that we should just lend him money. also... we ignore him, we also took it as a joke.
yas!(my other name) ian took your wallet
look and grab the wallet off of him
you three could lend me 10 pesos each
still sucking the lollipop
notice that no more candy
notice that the stick was torn in half by chewing it
Claire treat me for a slice of gardenia
i don't have money
i really don't have money
lend me money, even 20 pesos only
lends money
bought gardenia
eat right away, went off, looking out for lalin
may be he was really hungry
-after ian left, the three of us decided to study for the next exam which was Health Economics. ian came back. Arvhie came by, also to study.-
-I gave Kua Rodell the photocopy of our report for the next meeting. -
-Kevin came, to study also-
what are we going to test?
whole chapter one
may I borrow your copy?
lends copy
-a little longer-
why don't you make cheat?
can i? ;)
of course! almost our classmates know what are the answers to the exam
there was a leakage from the the first section, if you don't cheat them, you'll be cheated.
ok ok ok. can i have a piece of paper?
-charles came-
let's cheat ^.^
sure! ;D
jot down
jot down
just looking
kevin our course is BS E.T
huh? 0.o??? what E.T?
Extra Terrestrial! -_-
because every time the Dean calls a meeting for PT, we were always excluded
looks to kevin O.o
jot down
jot down
-the dean of PT came-
stones O.O
nice! you are studying hard
hides kodiks
hey cristine! study hard.
hey claire!
kevin. cyrle. ignored!
-Lalin came-
-nothing much-
-talks to dean-
bides farewell to lalin, christine, and clare
ignores kevin and cyrle o.O
grins :)
grins :)
told you!
-we didn't know that lalin already took the exam at the library-
i'm going home
huh? how about the exam?
I already took it at the library just now
so that's why your missing...
why didn't you tell us?
I was just at the lib doing research and dr. Lucido was there so I took the exam
Study! it was really difficult
ok ok ok
-took off-
-but before she really evaporates, whispered gossip to me that was really bothersome-
but now its OK-
-from cafeteria we saw dr. Lucido going to our room, immediately decided to follow him. He was obviously in bad mood. It concerned about the "cheating/leakage" incident from the first section which is said to be passed on our section.
The usual setting of exam, at least one seat apart from one another, I sat near Clare, Kevin behind me, Arvhie and Aceyork formed V shape with Kevin. Eye swear from me to Arvhie and Aceyork we looked like a pyramid. Christine sat behind Claire and on her right was Kimberly. In front of me was Carlos Chua, I preferred him to call Chua. Obviously, there was a bad aura coming out from Dr. Lucido. This exam was my-first-ever-Dictation-type-major-exam.
The Prof became a sinful priest with it's long sermon and foul words! Pity him. We can really notice that he cannot breath well. HIGH BLOOD! Then he noticed Kevin who silently sitting on his chair. You can just feel the tension in the air.
kevin let's see what are you going to answer in this exam when you were absent in all meetings of midterm
huh? What absent?
Your not here on deliberation day and also last meeting! I've checked the attendance!
Are you insulting me and my subject?
-_____- HUh?
You attend other subject but not mine!
How can you say so??
I've known you from the C2 incident!
ah! ah!
Yes I really do! Thanks for that incident I noticed you!
mumbling words
noticed it
Why don't you drop My subject?!
then go!
-but kevin didn't get out, still seating, ready to tAKE THE TEST-
Finally, the exam started. instead of 100 items it was reduced to 60 items test and the essay part was removed, cannot really say if it is a punishment for the crime no one in our class committed, or a compensation because we were just dragged along in the leakage issue, because we ware the other section that would benefit from it. I can classify the exam as moderate. Some are tricky question. But not really good one. Because for the whole entire exam period, the Prof was not in good mood. For the very main reason, the culprit was sending text messages while the Prof facilitates the exam. that alone irritates him. He even send someone out to buy him water. He often goes out to breath air.
On the other hand, the action of the Prof benefited others. When he goes out, others went cheating. Even the notable "Clean" Dean's Lister's' goes cheating. Can't help it, as I said earlier, the questions are very tricky and each were ask only twice. If you are deaf, sorry. If you are idiot, what a loser. I gave Kevin answers, which he passed to Arvhie and Aceyork. (PYRAMID). Stupid Aceyork! He even dares to call my name out and rephrasing the answers and ask again and again directly at me, in which we were almost one and a half meter distance from one another. Chua asked me for some answers, I also got some from him, and also Claire to me and vice-versa. But most of my answers were mine.
During the exam, the Prof read out the text message of the culprit.
"Sir I'm really sorry. I feel so ashamed that because of me my classmates are suffering. Please do think about it. How about my classmate, How about us when the board exam is coming, How can we take it, how about our parents working hard for us"
When Prof read that, I don't know if I will give a damn or not. I was overwhelmed by the exams. My head aches, at the same time I want to SLAP and PUNCH that stupid culprit. But I'm not sure who he really was, but I'm so sure that the culprit is a HE. The way I interpret his text, he sincerely asking for forgiveness but I don't like the way he ask it, not because it was a text message, but because he dares to use the words our parents, working hard, how about us, how we able to get the board. I mean. WHY he didn't have a THOUGHT of those words, of those persons, when he was committing is crime???????????????????????
stupid! Stupid! tanga! putik! kainis!
The exam was finished for almost two hours. We checked it. All are passed, the way he graded it, even a single correct answer will mean 3, because it falls on below 30 -_-
me= currently in my big head behavior
-aceyork gone like a wind-
you guys must treat me
must! must! must! =.=
Arvhie sundae. Kevin burger. Aceyork *disappears* large fries
:) sure
:) ok, sundae's mine
yas thank you
tin, me, and claire went out. The siomai vendor was there, surrounded by kevin, arvhie,lemuel and some guys
waving twenty pesos in mid air
got the idea
i don't like! thanks but maybe next time. I want to go home now. I don't like siomai! It's cheap! hahaha
*grins* thanks again!
- the truth is, i also want siomai, but knowing kevin's side of stingyness, i have to decline, I'm with Claire and Christine, and he's going to treat only me. that wouldn't be fair-
fall sleep without dinner
too tired to eat.