January 25, 2009

actions that linger in my mind

Grant me serenity within
For the confusions around
Are mere reflections..
Of what’s within..
What’s within in me?

Yes it's SUNDAY but I have school. T.T Our RIZAL class are trying to cope the missed sessions by putting make-up classes on Sundays. It's the OnLY day that all of us are surely free.
  • woke up with huge guilt T.T
Before went to bed, told to myself that I would go to church first before going to school. badly, I woke up late, as in, super late for the mass.
  • took bath

  • dressed

  • blow dry my hair

  • sent text to classmates

  • received reply:

WE Have no class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • can't tell if disappointed or not

  1. I'm already dressed and ready to go ( sayang bihis!) T.T

  2. I can sleep more! (favorite) -_-

  • helped in household chores

  • got sermoned by mom

  • irritated to sister

  • indulge in my own world

  • toooooooooooooooooo lllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyy bumbum