December 25, 2008

merry christmas

Merry Christmas!!!

our family had a Christmas party.

the planned: eat Noche buena at our Aunt's coz it was also her son's bday; have an xchange gifts and last enjoy!

ok ok ok ok ok

first was Noche Buena,

i ate the ever tradition sweet and spicy spaghetti and many sticks of bbq.

we had exchange gift worth 50 pesos for fun! but trust me, all the gifts cost double each. it is really the season of giving.

my monita is Tita Neng, she's also my godmother. so for this time, we exchange roles...

i gave her a wallet pouch, which cost a hundred plus but i got it for 27 pesos only... hahah... it was a discounted item on my mom's business... heheh

i got Aira as my "mini" Santa. she gave 5 different designed hankies...

it was really fun.

our grandfather received gifts from all of us with themed something funny.

my cousin sheila gave him "bilog", his favorite alcohol drink

my other cousins, ate nancy and rose anne gave him "pulutan" to complete the fun of bilog...

my sister and i gave him a miniture cat, for he adores cat more than us, his own grandchildren...

my grandad with bonnet and kanye west shades from jordan, kenken paul and bj

well, the party didn't last long. just right after the gifts are given, everyone just rush out leaving the place mess up with tethered gift wrappers. my cousins and i took some pictures of ourselves before we went back to our own places.

Then Tita Neng gave out her gifts to her nephews and nieces. I got two gifts from her, first one was a wallet, the same wallet she gave to others as her niece with coins and 100 bucks; the second one was the piggy bank i requested as her godchild.

When i went home, Brian, my cousin, gave me a a pouch bag as a gift from his mother, Tita Eva, for she is my godmother also.

my mom also gave away gifts. mostly are toys. each children got a set of toys. then, if you are her godchildren, you mostly got two gifts. either both toys or clothes and money or toy again!

then we slept at 2 a.m, wake up about 6:30 trying to get to the first mass of 7. but, we delayed, and delayed then we attend the last mass at 9:45 am!

at church, we were almost at the back but seated. not a good place. people behind us were so noisy! a lot of children were crying. but we still decide to finished it.

then got back home.

our cousin were waiting for us. Ate Aileen with her mom, Tita Vicenta, and her daughter, whom I loved to make it cry out loud, jaja.

My mom fed them, give them gifts and talked and talked and they decide to go home.

Tito Louie came, with his wife and two kids. but they didn't stay for so long, they still have places to go.

Rachel came in, she is my goddaughter. i gave her a pouch bag.

the actual plan of going out with my friend didn't work out. for the sake of having fun with his relatives, he got drunk, like my cousins, who drunk from the stroke of Christmas eve until the morning came.

then i just sleep. period.

end of my Christmas day.

December 23, 2008

reflections... (cont.)

Ö5th night December 19, 2008Ö

I'm with Geriz. This time, we we're much earlier and seated!!!!!

it was Fr. Odong this time.
the gospel was about Mother Mary receiving and accepting the news brought to her by Angel Gabriel...
the homily, was about saying Yes! Father explained what if Mary didn't say "yes" to Angel Gabriel then there is nothing...
so we have to learn to say "yes" on good things...

Ö6th night December 20, 2008Ö

me alone... Geriz went to Enchanted Kingdom!

It was Father Jason ( Geriz went to e.k because of her classmate's invitation, thus she really wanted Fr. Jason to be the priest, she missed this time)

the gospel was about Mary went to Elizabeth to care and help her in her pregnancy and delivery to her son John...

with this the homily proceed about the good characteristics of Mary that we should learn: being approachable, dependable and the last one i forgot T.T
well, Mary, showed this characteristics when she accepted God's Grace and went to Elizabeth to care for her cousin.

being approachable, i can say I'm approachable 0.o... hehehe... the problem is that every body's impression of me is that I'm Snobbish!!! which is I'm really not, I'm just quiet...

dependable??? yes I am, for sometimes. . . You can depend on me but if I noticed that you can do it alone, I won't help you. when you abused my helping hand, don't worry I'll finish the promised but there will be no next time...

so far for being an example of Mary... T.T

Ö7th night December 21, 2008Ö

i went with my cousin, planned to meet up with Geriz on the Church 'cos she is with her suitor a.k.a ex-boyfriend. but they were late, i chose to be with my cousins 'coz they were seating. but my cousin Rachel insisted that I should go to Geriz, for the main reason, there was no much space for all of us... but i did'nt go, i did not want to stand the whole mass.

It was Fr. Peter, felt sorry for Geriz, she was standing already, yet, it was not her favorite priest.

the Gospel was the same with the Saturday's Gospel, about Mary visiting Elizabeth.

the homily is about sharing. Christmas is the season of sharing. Fr. Peter, again, compared the Christmas between Philippines and Myanmar, and Christians and Buddhists. He told us that while still in Myanmar, they share gifts to their teachers and also to the Buddhist around them.

Ö8th night December 22, 2008Ö

I'm with Geriz, i think she's doing it alternately...

It was Fr. Miguel

the Gospel was about the days of Mary with Elizabeth

the homily was about being thankful. being Filipino, he said that we are thankful to everything. We are trained to be thankful while still young. When we give something to a child, it's parent will teached the child to always say "thank you", until it is a part of the daily conversation. also being thankful has a bad outcome. best example, politicians... When elections are near, they would try to show that they help, and to those they helped, as a gratitude, they are going to vote for them eventhough they are not the suitable winners. Filipinos will always find means of showing their gratitude to those who showed help to them.

Ö9th night December 23, 2008Ö

I completed it! banzai! it was my first time to complete the Simbang Gabi!!! -_-

for the last simbang gabi, it was Fr. Jason

the gospel was about the birthday of St. John the Baptist. it narrates the story of how Elizabeth and Zachariaz waited for a long time fir their child.

the homily was about the lessons Elizabeth and Zachrias gave to us.

the lesson of the value of waiting, not hating God for being downed on whole life, and for still believing in God.

Father Jason just emphasized that the new generation doesnt know how to wait because everything we have is instant. instant noodles, instant coffee and even instant gf/bf...

my patience rating was never stable. i can wait for nowbut tommorrow i won't, even it is faster than before.

i hoped i still learned from the homily and be able to use it for every one's good.
i was so glad to complete the mass!

December 22, 2008

my reflections...

The reflections I'm talking about is how we view our selves based on new lessons in life.

I remember during my highschool days, we wrote our reflection about the mass' homily of the previous Sunday mass for our Religion subject. (our school is a religious institution, see, they want to maintain the values of their students)

I don't know why? but I feel to write my reflections of my Simbang Gabi. Maybe because this might be my first time completing it (and I really hope so)

and here it is, from the first night until this 8th night! O.o (no absent! and one more ^-^)

Ö1st night December 15, 2008Ö

i'm with my cousins, reluctant to went at first, but convinced ^-^ ... the mass started at exactly 8 pm but we were late, good thing was that we did'nt miss the reading of the Good news... and we were standing!... we stand for almost an hour, we finished the mass...

the homily is about the teachings of the Christ, on how he guides the world and his people (that's how I understand the homily)

I think the Church wants to tell us to be also a guide to others, to be the others light by spreading the Good news (ofcourse what's within the Bible and not good gossip) ... Well, I've been a cathechist when i was 4th yr highschool, but now i hardly have time to attend sessions and to find schedules fitted to those public schools that we may serve. All i can do for now is to support my fellow cathechist who until now love to serve the Church...

Ö2nd night December 16, 2008Ö

I went with my old classmate Geriz whose house is just a 2 minutes away from mine. we walk, then we went early so that we can start from top and so that we have seats... but to our surprise, as early as 7:30 pm the church were already full so we ended standing again!

the homily is about the happiness Jesus is giving for the world and that is for a lifetime... the priest, Father Jason, specified that we should be happy for Jesus sacrifice for us...

Fr. Jason stated three things that we should avoid to attain happiness, and for those poeple who have it, they are not happy in their life...

1st is overspeeding: not the overspeeding on the roads (although it can cause accidents leading to unhappiness) but the overspeeding of ages... example are those kids who wants to grow older as fast as possible, they don't experience the happiness of being a careless kid. thus when they grow older they wish to be younger. i don't really wish to grow old... i'm still child, i love cartoons and still love toys... heheh

2nd is idleness: those poeple who does nothing but to sleep, coz when thet wake-up they feel sleepy again, so they don't do anything just nothing! and I admit that I'm this 2nd type T.T...

3rd is wrong priority in life: good example is that work over family, and you will wonder why your children or partner is not close to you... i don't feel this in my family even though my father work overseas... I understand my father, instead I'm the one who feels guilty that because of us he have to work abroad alone. T.T

Ö3rd night December 17, 2008Ö

on the third night... well, i don't understand the homily that much... you see, the priest that night is Fr. Peter, it's my first mass with him. he's from Myanmar, he doesn't speak well in Tagalog and even his English is slow... the mass proceed in Tagalog, and English on some parts...

the reading of the Gospel was in English, and it's about the bloodline of Jesus from Abraham...

the homily, well, i only understand that Fr. Peter was amazed that we have this tradition 'coz in his country there is no such thing... He just compared the Celebration of Christmas in the Philippines and Myanmar...

my mind was mostly on cloud nine, I don't understand him much...

Ö4th night December 18, 2008Ö

the 4th night. still no absent! happy! hahah

I went with my cousins, Geriz was shopping!

and it's Fr. Miguel, the new director of my highschool. it was also my first mass with him. I heard alot of him, my cousins told me that he was a some sort of notorious priest-director.

the Gospel this tym was about St. Joseph learned that Mary was pregnant....

the main reflection was about being straight. St. Joseph is an example of a man whose character is "straight", I mean, he's not the one who will take a flight on a problem... most of us, if we had a choice to escaped the problem, we escaped. I'm not much of this person, because I can't settle my own conflict with my aunt her children. if i'm straight then i should apologized and also to forgive them, but, instead of it.. i run away from them, I would rather take a longer path just not to face them...

failed again...

I'll continue my reflections on the next blog... ^-^

misa de gallo

Once again, for a long long time, I blog! haha... -_-
Philippines have the longest Christmas in the whole wide web! It actually starts with Misa de Gallo or Simbang Gabi mass at December 15 for night and December 16 for dawn and ends with Epiphany or the Feast of Three Kings at January 11.
Misa de Gallo consist of 9 nights of mass it is for the 9 months that Mother Mary bear Jesus in her womb. Its not actually at night. Because Misa de Gallo literally means roosters mass or mass at dawn. History says that the mass starts when the rooster starts it morning job before town people go to their work. It changed into night during the reign of Pres. Marcos, when he declared Marshall law and set a country wide curfew. At the end of his reign some church held the mass at dawn still having the night.
They said that if one completed the mass then one can wish at the end of the last night.
And I never able to complete it! I hope this time I'm able to complete the mass because when I started college, I seldomly attend the regular mass every Sunday...
Cnsider me as a sinner now T.T
--- hark the herald ---
Hark! The herald angels sing,
“Glory to the newborn King;
Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!”
Joyful, all ye nations rise,
Join the triumph of the skies;
With th’angelic host proclaim,
“Christ is born in Bethlehem!”
Hark! the herald angels sing,
“Glory to the newborn King!”

Christ, by highest Heav’n adored;
Christ the everlasting Lord;
Late in time, behold Him come,
Offspring of a virgin’s womb.
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;
Hail th’incarnate Deity,
Pleased with us in flesh to dwell,
Jesus our Emmanuel.


Hail the heav’nly Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings,
Ris’n with healing in His wings.
Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die.
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.
Come, Desire of nations, come,
Fix in us Thy humble home;
Rise, the woman’s conqu’ring Seed,
Bruise in us the serpent’s head.
Now display Thy saving power,
Ruined nature now restore;
Now in mystic union join
Thine to ours, and ours to Thine.
Adam’s likeness, Lord, efface,
Stamp Thine image in its place:
Second Adam from above,
Reinstate us in Thy love.
Let us Thee, though lost, regain,
Thee, the Life, the inner man:
O, to all Thyself impart,
Formed in each believing heart.

November 10, 2008

vacation ends! new sem!

the vacation finally ended.

it was a boring though

all i have to do was eat-sleep-eat-sleep

the only activity was the all saints' day and all souls day or in other country it was hallween

we all gathered at the cementery to visit loved ones that already passed away. it was a very hot day. nothing special really...

the next week i enrolled the new sem. which is much lighter than the previous one.

i was also absent in its first week, its just an orientation week, there is still no lessons on first week.

October 23, 2008

sem break!: a flash back...

finally a semester's break so happy hardships 4 dis sem are ol my done!!!!!

the newly ended sem was so haggard and hectic.

i had new faculty, 1st in my life to have a very strict proffesors.

the simple anatomy at glance became the worst experience of my life, i mean, we disected a cadaver (human corpse), that caused me of sleepless night! almost all of the pillows in our house were in my bed to occupied the free space (so scared to think that i'm with someone creeepy!). the cadaver came in at the end of the 1st term, were the lessons are about head and neck. good thing of its being late is that we didn't disect the head part which scared us most. we started from skinning the body up to seperating the muscles. there were rumors that the cadaver's soul was roaming the campus it was witnessed by those self-proclaimed "third-eyes" of freaky students.

the most simple course subject and the only minor in this sem was the human growth and development. it was almost the same as those psychology, sociology and anthropolopy, society with family planning course subjects before. it just that it was more focus in every stage of life span from prenatal to old age. the teacher here is fine.

physiology. it is said to be the hardest but it came in second to me. there was nothing much happened, it was a normal class. the time was great so sa the teacher. its just that we focus on how the muscles contract. it also took me a midterm exam to realize what subject are for.

the most freaking subject! the pt1 and Pt 2 with its professor! other professor said that it is easy and fun but for us it is the most difficult and sufferings. Know why? it was because of the feeling-know-it-all-boastful-"kitid-utak" professor of ours. he surely knows how to terrorized students for nothing. well, the only fun part was the pool therapy lessons. i did enjoy the pool! i also hate the straight 6 hour class when he tried for the make up of lost lessons.

the fun class was psychiatry! we enjoy learning the different psychotic disorders and how to handle them. all we did was reporting and acting out the scenes of curing it. the professor was great. too bad that the school administration didn’t handled her properly.

the school foundation day was held

i became a member of the school journal

the college of physical therapy also had its first dinner meeting

well, this sem was a really tough one and there will be more hardships on the upcoming other sem.

chillos got to go!

July 03, 2008

another ouch! a cold war, a competition you didn't know

It is so hard being the inferior of your class, specially when you are only two.

This issue has been bugging me since last week or might be ever since the school year open. I know that I'm not that smart compared to the scholar of the school,I can also be one of the top students if the number increase. This time I'm the biggest dumb-dumb of the class for two. My only classmate is only my friend and we know each other very well (that's what i think). She is a straight Dean's Lister, and a scholar of almost four institution in the country. I'm not competing with her in terms of grades 'coz i know my limit, but teacher's wanted a competition between us. in which i obviously already lost to.

I don't understand my professor very well (not in academics), when I'm able to get a higher score than my classmate, the way he always reacts is that i won a presidency election against to the best in the country by cheating! i always feel that i don't deserve what I've worked so hard for. Then I gave him the lowest score of my entire career as a student, 15/100, then the way he criticized me was the way how a bratty girl looked to a pauper. I won it 'coz i wasn't able to study 'coz my stupid-freaking classmate told me that there would no exam, that i don't have to review because she also didn't. then i trusted her to my ticket of doom... what's that for? i could just ask my self... i thought she didn't want to compete and i remembered very clear that she said she don't want to compete with anybody for many reasons like she would have pressure to bear. Does anybody includes me or not? I think i have the pressure to in the same class with her.

So far, my feelings enlightened, i have my friends who sympathises with me.

but,I swear, this would be the start of the competition she said she didn't wanted. I'm giving her and my professor my all for my best and not theirs! I might won't able to win in terms of grades, i'll show them what a good student to what a normal teenager does!

June 30, 2008

say no to dr. ______!!!

last Saturday, my schedule was 8-12 for anatomy lecture and 1-7 pm for anatomy laboratory with two different professors. our class started on time with our anatomy lec. professor. while in the middle of our class, our anatomy lab. professor barged in, stopping our lesson. telling to our professor that they're on boycott and that to announce to our other subject teachers. wondering why, we asked what was going on... he answered that the newly arrived president-owner of the school and the hospital where they really work as a physical therapy questioned their credibility to teach in our school. hurt, our laboratory teacher decided on that very same day to resign as our teacher! then we lost another meeting for that day... then monday came, today at school rumors became so alarmingly, that the president-owner of the school and hospital will going to handle our anatomy class!!!!! as in what??! that very strict and arrogant doctor will hold our both anatomy class? oh my! our laboratory is going to be dealing with a cadaver! i told to my classmates that if that stupid rumor is true, then i'm going to be afraid of the doctor that the cadaver!!! then my another classmate said that he will going to stop or transfer to another school or to shift course immediately if that doctor will replace one of our favorite teacher!

June 27, 2008

Emo Means Gay?!

I know it's kinda late talking about "EMO" because many tv shows have discussed it already and also in many forums I've visited, but let me tell a story why this came up to my mind.

  • my classmate styles like an emo
  • one of my favorite bands are said to be emo
  • my handsome, very smart, and very talented classmate's style is emo (even on his t-shirt have a shout out that he is emo) and is confirmed emo! (heartbroken T.T)

The third on the list is the thing I still don't want to believe. Why? because in one friendster forum, the question is "what is the meaning of emo for you?". The most answer is simply "Emo is Gay!". I didn't believe in those opinions but I also did'nt try to contradict on it, because for me Emo is just a mere fashion statement. A statement that blooms today and die tomorrow. Although its been a long time since it bloomed, it is still on the "in".

Let me share this, a story of my friends biggest frustration about emo.

The 3rd on the list was the reason. The day before yesterday, my friend "April" and I had a conversation about him, "Jay Vic", here's the conversation:

  • april: is he a gay?
  • me: hell no! he is not gay, look at him, the way he dress seemed not and also the way he speaks, he is so manly.

  • april: is it?

  • me: why?

  • april: i saw him kissing with other guy in his friendster pictures!

  • me: ne? really? where
  • april: lips!

  • me: as in lips to lips with other guy?! ows?

  • april: check it on your on! he's my friend on my friendster
  • me: ok, i'll check it when i get home, but his not my friend on friendster, his profile's might be locked. I'll borrow yours.

Then I went home immediately because something inside me made me excited. I opened the friendster then his profile with a different name. There it was! The evidence! He is a true emo and a true gay! A big Ouch! He is one of my most respected senpai. I look after him because he is a good model for a student coming from a private-catholic school. Right now, I'm still shocked and I don't know what to do. I have to release it from me. So, I told it to my cousin and asked to kept it as a secret. Now, I've post it here. I really don't know what to do. I'm sure J.V is keeping this matter a secret to the whole school.

But I don't know what to do when we see each other and talk to each other, and he's acting like a straight guy in front of everyone when I know his true blood. T.T .... but I still feel a respect towards him. Just what like I said before it is just a mere fashion statement somehow... I'm still proud of him, he is a good person and he is proud enough to post it on his friendster account (although it is only a few number of schoolmate on his friend's list)...

Be proud of who you are, it is the least you can do for your self....

June 26, 2008

we need time out

here's the thing...

my classmate-friend and i are the only students in our major class. actually, we are different to one another. she is so dedicated in her studies while i only study when i have to. her type is the one you cannot always have a joke on. i think she is more a loner type of a person or "the nerd".
in our first day in class in our major, the professor explained to us what is the relevance of our subject in our chosen course, and its relevance in real life and also the history of our future career. surely, i learned a lot, i even ask some things that were not really cleared but my classmate asked the Prof a question that didn't even needed to ask because in the prof's explanation even a kindergarten can easily understand! then the Prof gave us a break. i told her that I'm going to eat, she accompanied me, she was also going to have recess. normally, classmates going out to canteen will talk about their crushes or what happened to them the previous night but we were talking about the lesson and explanation of the professor. she was talking like she was so excited, or what we called a child coming home telling her mama that the teacher gave her golden star! "PLEASE! i heard enough from the Prof you don't have to repeat it to me!" i've wanted to answer back but i held my temper. good thing the break was over. i felt like i was a wrong company for her or she as wrong company for me.
it is not wrong to be serious but please have a break. i'm having a wrong impression of my self that when i'm with her i didn't do my best in studying... i'm so stupid.

life is short, have fun while you can! it is not wrong not to be serious sometimes...

June 12, 2008

living like. . .

Have you ever wonder why you always ask ''why...?''? Then it will be followed by ''how come...?'' , but have you tried to answer it on your own?
If your answer is yes... then we're on the same boat.
The truth is that those people who often ask why and how come are the people who have low self -esteem, for those people don't know how to trust themselves . A certain event will happen first before the person can ask why. In this event, they were already failures, because they don't have confidence from the beginning. Then they will start to ask questions to others, then to themselves. The worst is there would be no answer that can satisfy them, to the extent blame someone and not themselves.
This character of low self-esteem could make you feel living in vain, insanity, lunatic, crazy and all its synonyms. And it is so hard to defeat it. It took me years before I won over it. It affects school and job and even personal life. I say, when the moment you realise you have low self-esteem, you should immediately find ways to overcome it. For it becomes worst and worst every time you tolerate it.
I'm going to share a chant, it is not really a chant it is just a phrase you need to shout out loud or just in your mind. it boost up my confidence and i hope it will also be useful to you all.
your name P O W E R!!! E N T E R!!!
Nope! it's not my own. I learned it in a japanese drama series "Nobuta Wo Produce" in english is "producing nobuta". One of many values in this show is looking for confidence and trust for your self.
It is also true that to have strong or i say too much confidence can also be meant being boastful, or be in the dangerous position. So, it is just to have a right mix of confidence.
"trust yourself. think for yourself. act for yourself. speak for your self. be yourself"